So, I’m trying to get Roblox Group Data. This however requires you to get the Group ID.
Now, I don’t want the player to go to the Roblox Website trying to find the Group ID. It just takes too much time and some people don’t even know what the hell that is!
And so, to make it easier and faster, I want people to enter the Group’s Name instead of the ID, but I couldn’t find anything helpful so far. Any ideas?
I noticed the normal roblox proxy site doesn’t support groups so I made an API under my own site, hope that isn’t an issue (I can send you the php so you can host it if you’d like)
Anyways here is the script for it
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
local function FetchGroups(GroupName)
local GroupsTemp = HttpService:JSONDecode(HttpService:GetAsync(""..GroupName))["data"];
local ParsedGroups = {};
for _,Group in next, GroupsTemp do
local GroupName = Group["name"];
ParsedGroups[GroupName] = {
["ID"] = Group["id"],
["MemberCount"] = Group["membercount"],
["PublicEntry"] = Group["publicEntryAllowed"];
["Created"] = Group["created"];
["Description"] = Group["description"];
return ParsedGroups;
And this is what the output will look like when received: