Get Humanoid Description From UserId() not working

I am trying to use game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() to make a statue of the player in the server with the most kills, and I made a basic test to try out GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId as I have never used it. I want all the accessories to be placed in the right location, but instead this happens:

as you can see on the left there is my avatar, and on the right there is the avatar I made with GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(). I do not know why all the accessories position themselfs at the dummys head, and that is what I want to fix. here is my script:

script.Parent.Humanoid:ApplyDescription(game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(282195388)) --282195388 is my ID

as you can see, its a pretty basic script and I am confused as to why its not working. does anyone know how to fix this? (also sorry about the spaces in the title, for some reason the devforum kept on telling me “Title seems unclear, one or more words is very long?”.)


Well, It looks like the accessory is being placed on another body part? Try moving it from that one to the arm. I’m not sure if they have a accessory limit or not

Have you renamed/changed any of the dummy parts?

I think its because theres a max amount of accessories allowed on a player at once causing the HumanoidDescription to not work.

No. All that I have done is add a bool value named “God” so that the players cannot kill the dummy.

Both @FentTamer and @legs_v have said it could be due to a Max amount of accessories. I am gonna try using a for loop to put the accessories in the right location.

can you explain this further? I am not sure what you mean by a max amount, as they all get loaded onto the character.

im pretty sure he means if you added more accessorys in the Advanced section.

Oh. So does that mean that the statue script will not work on complex avatars, or is there away around it?

I’m pretty sure, I don’t 100% know if that’s the case, but it seems to be the same issue for me, as for now I don’t know any way around it.

Alright. If I find I fix I will tell you as you said you are looking for a fix also.

I found a solution! the problem is because none of the attachments a normal player has are in the dummy, so the accessories do not know where to locate themselves. this can be fixed by playing your game in the test menu, and going into the explorer tab. when in it, right click on your player and hit “clone”, then stop playtesting and paste your player into the workspace. then copy the attachments from the player and put them into the dummy.

step 1: copy the attachments in “Left Arm”
step 2: paste those attachments into your dummy’s “Left Arm”

alternatively, you can use this free model I made that is a R6 dummy with all the needed attachments. Hope this helps!


that’s amazing, thank you and great job finding a solution