Get your game on the nice list - the Winter Sort!

So if the game does not have the winter theme by the time the sort goes live your game wont be added?

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My main account (this account) was banned for 7 days, Can the game still be accepted? the game was made the group btw.

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The sort is the 17th and they are asking for the update to be released by the 16th. They want it a day before the sort actually goes live.


Sounds cool! Sadly my game is quite ready for this type of action. I might put together a quick Christmas Bash and submit that in. It’d be cool to have a party place in a Wintery theme place to hang out with friends and have some christmas music in :slight_smile:

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Hard work is not the only factor into making a successful game someone could work for 2 hours to make a really good map because they had a lot of practice and they are good at it and get a lot more place visits than someone who worked days on a map with a bunch of free models and bad terrain

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yeah, i only believe that if i see it with my own 27 eyes


Hey what if I have added no localization languages yet but I’ll be adding them in future? I have filled the form but did “English (Only)” in the localized place so I wanted to ask do I have to refill the form again if I want to add more languages later? Or is it fine?


For the “Are you the owner?” question, does that mean that the game has to be on your profile. My game is on a group, but I said I’m the owner since I own the group. Do I need to re-submit?


We just released the winter update for our game, hopefully we get on the sort!


I agree with you, everybody needs an opportunity no matters how small their games are.


Big games still had to invest into there own game, if roblox only accepts small games that didn’t even have the dev add support than that would be unfair to the big games that had to spend there hard earned money to maybe get more in return

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But times changes it, it doesn’t always stays the same. Is time for a change, we cannot just be thinking of what other games did to get popular, of course, those devs that made their way to the front page and are successful are obviously proud of them self, but there are many people out there that doesn’t have enough money or support to make their dream come true, seeing their game in the front page or at least earning something back from their hard work. For example, someone makes a nice icon for their game, that person updates it every one or two weeks (something that some popular games doesn’t do), but doesn’t get anything in return, neither popularity and in some cases you might earn less than 100 Robux. Most of the times ads do bad, it depends on how lucky you are to be honest for the reason you need some help.

By the way, the youtuber Flamingo sometimes makes a video on a random game (that you might said "gosh what is that game? :nauseated_face: ") and the next day you see that game with 1k+ players. It gets me mad sometimes, but I accept it. Some people doesn’t even have the help of a Youtuber. (By the way as you can see the dev of that particular game that flamingo visited got 1k+ players for free, so what do you think about it?)

This doesn’t relate to the topic but is something a bit similar:
Does this means Roblox should remove the new ProximityPrompt feature just because there are many devs that put “hard work” on doing their own system?
Of course not, is just an improvement, same with the winter and Halloween sort.

(Just in case someone is reading this, my first language isn’t English, but I tried my best to explain myself)

Shouldn’t this be closed now? It’s December the 14th and it said they will close on the 13th!

The Applications are closed now tho.

I might not be able to finish my game in time tho. However, good luck to those that manage to make it in

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I have a quick question. If we are accepted, will we be told before the 17th or will we just find out when the sort goes live?

It seems like they dont notify us since it was like that the halloween sort

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Due to the volume of applications and the way the survey is set up, we will not message you to let you know if your game was accepted/rejected for the Winter Sort.

To know if your game was accepted, check out the Winter Sort on December 17th!


Okay, thanks for the clarification!

Today we released our update and our community is absolutely going crazy over it! Goodluck to all applicants!