:GetMarkerReachedSignal Event Stops firing at random in Servers

I’ve attached a file for an attempt at a repro. It is using a shortened version of the code I use to run my animations on the server side. The issue with this bug is there really is no reproduction. Server to server it randomly selects which animations marker events just stop working. It isn’t the same few animations that are breaking either.

In the repro in order to play the animation just click.
MarkerReachedSignalRepro.rbxl (51.4 KB)

It is truly random for any marker event to just stop firing in a given server. Let me know if I can assist further.

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Thanks for the file. How often would you estimate it happens? E.g. 1 out of 1000 times? Does it only happen in live games or also in studio?

It happens in live games and in studio. I seem to get the bug reported to me at least twice a day. My game usually sits around 300-400 open servers throughout the day.

Bug happens often in live games, and is reported multiple times throughout the day every day. I’m sure it’s frequent in my game due to it having around 10K servers most of the time.

There is no specific causation/reproduction for this bug. All you need is a marker signal event on the server and could randomly (& permanently) break in the server for everyone.

Hi @JKVette @22freshfrenchfries , could you please check and let me know the following for the marker events that fail to fire:

  • are they on keyframesequences or curves?
  • are the clips looped?
  • are the events on the first, last keyframe or in the middle?

They are KeyframeSequences, the animations are not looped, and the events are not at the first or last keyframe they spread throughout the middle.

  1. KeyframeSequences
  2. All that break are not looped(Although if they were I doubt it would make a difference)
  3. The location of keyframes are spreadout through the whole animation but never directly on the last keyframe.
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Is this the attempted fix for this issue? (from release notes 588)

Hi, no this fixes another issue. We have merged a fix to the above issue but we’re still monitoring as we’re not sure it was a single issue causing what you were experiencing.

is this issue still being monitored? this is still a daily occurrence in my experience’s servers and fills up bug reports.

are you guys still working on fixing this issue ? the majority of my bug reports are because of this issue. Please fix this

once again asking for any insight on this issue, my experience with thousands of players keep on complaining about this bug and there is nothing i can do.

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Me as well, currently experiencing this problem in our experience.

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Has this been fixed yet? @sg3cko
It won’t even fire anymore.

It happens to me when the anination is too fast or the marker is passing the event too fast. or the animation has a very short time between keyframes, this is indeed a bug

Hi, can you expand on what you mean “it won’t even fire anymore”? Are you never getting GetMarkerReachedSignals?

It won’t even fire to the server to create a part It prints the key and plays the anim but does not fire the remoteEvent

can you share a repro file via DM? thanks

I experience same problem rn, I’m trying to make tool equipping and stop it at certain keyframe “Holding”. Event gets created, but never fired.

I had also made a thread a while ago about some issues with events on AnimationTracks not firing aswell:

What I did to fix my issues since Roblox wouldn’t do it for me was make my own functions to execute what I want at some point on the animation, using the keyframes to know the Time and Name, saving it to a table and deleting them.