Getting roblox catalog items

i was trying to get like catalog item i would like to know how to or get tips of how i could get the items

You will need to use the Roblox catalog API to replicate its behaviour in-game. You will need to use the following endpoint<category>&keyword=<search keyword>&limit=<limit> where:

  • category can be any valid category, e.g. All
  • keyword (optional) can be any search string, basically the name of the item you want to search for
  • limitmust be an int value that will specify how many items the API should return which can be any of these values: 10, 28, 30, 50, 60, 100, 120

You will have to use HttpService and also a proxy until Roblox allows requests from games.

The first response will include a nextPageCursor parameter in the body which you will need to append to the URL used for the first request to get other items.

e.g.<category>&keyword=<search keyword>&limit=<limit>&cursor=<nextPageCursor>.

When you specify a cursor, in the response you will also receive a previousPageCursor paremeter which as you can image will return items from the previous page (and has to be added to the URL like nextPageCursor).


do you know any proxys? public ones?

RoProxy is the most popular. Public proxies are fine in this case but you should always opt to host your own version when the endpoints you need require authentication since you don’t know what they do with the data you send them, such as your authentication cookie or API key.

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i am using roproxy and i can’t getasync() it does nothing for me for no reason

local HTTPService = game:GetService("HttpService") local URL = "" local response = HTTPService:GetAsync(URL) print("t")

has not worked

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nvm i got it working thank you tho ikingninja

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response will be a JSON string which you need to parse into a lua table using HttpService:JSONDecode(response) and will contain the data returned by the API.


Could I use this in external scripts? Like Python in Replit.

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