New Format
Please complete one of the following sentences:
As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to . . .
As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to . . .
As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to get a Translator for a certain language for the cloud localization tables. For traditional, non-cloud localization tables the method GetTranslator
can be used to get a translator for a specific language.
If Roblox is able to address your issue, how would it improve your game and/or your development experience? Please be as specific as possible.
objects have a (great!) FormatByKey method to perform translations from scripts. This method throws an error whenever, for example, the Translator
cannot find a translation for the given key (this is the case for untranslated languages, but also partially translated ones). This error is expected behavior. Previously I always fell back on the English localization table and presented an English string in the case of translation failures. Because an English Translator
cannot be obtained for cloud localization tables at all I cannot present fallback strings anymore.
Something like GetTranslatorForLocaleAsync could help here, which can load a translator for a specific locale. Alternatively, simply GetLocalizationTableAsync that loads the entire cloud localization table into a traditional LocalizationTable would work well in my case too (the latter would allow me to preload all translations from the server too, simplifying the player join process).