GFX Feedback - Nevlok

Commissioned GFX I made around a week ago.
Originally made for a discord pfp.


we cant even see it because of the huge watermark


It’s better to be safe than sorry nor is it harming anyone.

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What type of game is it for?
(Provide more Information next time)

Like Zaid_Nub said, the watermark is so big and visible that I can’t really see much of what’s behind it! (just make it a bit more transparent so we can actually see it pls thx)
The bits that I can see though look really nice and detailed, good job!

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Very realistic , great work. :ok_hand:

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The client wanted it for a discord bot pfp.

Erm, for a discord bot that dosn’t look good I would recommend adding a face or animals unless he asked for that type of style.

Also, don’t remove the watermark for the people saying to make It less transparent, don’t listen to them they just want to steal your work.


It was upon the clients request, Yes I agree it’s a little strange for a discord pfp but it was what he requested.

I don’t want to steal it. What would I use it for? I just can’t really see it too clearly with such a big and bold watermark. It’d just be clearer if it was a slight bit less transparent. I don’t want them to remove it.

From what I can see, looks movie like!

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