[GFX] Feedback on my recent GFX

Feedback on my recent GFX. how can I improve my GFX

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add less realism and more legolism, after all this is a lego metaverse not real life


I actually disagree. Realism is more realistic. There is also no such thing as “legolism”.

It doesn’t matter if it is a lego game. More artist aim for realism, which is actually better.


u cant mix realism and legolism and expect it to be good, either one or another, thats why anime games in roblox have blocky thumbnails that try to be realistic but look awful

Yes, you can. You don’t see the top Roblox GFX artists using realistic avatars all the time.


It looks great but the rain is unrealistic, you dont see the little splatters of when the rain hits the ground, so it looks like you just put an image over it


no u cant, and yes i actually do see top roblox gfx artists using realistic avatars all the time, trying to make lego characters realistic while also making them blocky is ridiculous and ugly

here are some examples of what im talking about:


yeah i just saw that after u said it i think he forgor :skull:

yes you can. :mad: have you seen shindito life? its literally anime-

stop hating on roblox lol realism is always better.

your examples are like the most beginner style gfx you could have picked

it looks nice. improve the jeans, add better background blend, bumps to the road, and more 3d rain.


yeah i put it but i set the opacity too low :skull:
Thanks :smiley:

What about painted gfxs?


no u cant, and yes i saw and it has NOTHING, i repeat, NOTHING to do with realistic blocky characters, because it doesn’t tries to make a block character look realistic while making it blocky, they literally drawed the characters soo this has NOTHING, i repeat, NOTHING to do with the topic, its COMPLETELY different from what i said

beginner or advanced, trying to make a lego character look realistic and blocky at the same time is the ugliest thing someone could ever try doing, end of story

Nope, a realistic GFX is better.
The effort to make a realistic one is also a lot.


yea but fancy/realistic gfx doesn’t means its beautiful or better than anything, realistic/fancy in roblox is soo saturated and overrated that even other art styles are gaining space in games thumbnails

maybe me seeing the “realistic” art style in every single anime game thumbnail makes me not feel anything when i see anything “realistic” in roblox

I can’t believe you

Well, the realistic style is what most people prefer, hence it works.
Also, why do you have to strap yourself to chains and restrict yourself to just a non-realistic style?

yea its normal because i didn’t felt anything seeing it but i was gonna give a 5/10 but i sensed that i was gonna get mass attacked by sensitive mobs if i did that

How the heck is that normal???
Only a fraction of people put that much dedication to make something like that.