[GFX] Feedback on my recent GFX

  1. no it doesn’t, the thumbnail art style doesn’t really matters, the thumbnail itself doesn’t matters at all, ive seen games with other art styles or no thumbnail at all get more players and visits and favorites and likes than realistic anime games, the thumbnail doesn’t changes anything at all, people judge the game by the gameplays they watch on youtube

  2. i dont, its just extremely saturated already

Well, if thumbnails never mattered, why do GFX Artists exist?

  1. it is because i see it everywhere soo i dont feel anything looking at it, beacuse ive already seen it everywhere

  2. thats the type of tought that makes people rise their ego to a pedestal of mystical gods that created earth, u just didn’t search, literally every aethestic game has a thumbnail like that (and even more “realistic” and saturated), anime games also try to copy that aethestic thing on their thumbnail but they put blocky characters acting like anime characters with no fingers or faces and it just looks unrealistic and ugly

they do what they love and earn $$$ out of it because developers think good thumbnails will attract players even if their game sucks, not saying its bad tho, if people want saturated thumbnails, its on them, im just bored of seeing it everywhere, thats why 5/10

That’s your opinion, I respect that, but pretty much everyone else disagrees that the GFXs shown above are normal, decent, or bad.

Well, I am off,
Good day.

ive only seen 1 person agree, and for me it looks kinda normal, probably because im bored of it since i saw it everywhere, it looks good the first time u see it but after that it becomes saturated and boring seeing it everywhere

well, im on
good day

You know its ok to be wrong sometimes <3

Edit: Not talking about how ur criticism is wrong (in my opinion everyones criticism is correct) but how you be acting salty cuz people disagree with you

Please come up with actual feedback instead of just saying its u g l y

theres no wrong or right in a opnion war, also now i see 2 people agree

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its my shortened way of saying it looks boring, generic and over saturated because ive seen it literally everywhere

Jeez its like thats ur only argument

Also as @IceTheOneAndOnly said

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  1. it is
  2. also as i said

beginner or advanced, trying to make a lego character look realistic and blocky at the same time is the ugliest thing someone could ever try doing, end of story

Literally ur only argument has nothing to with blocky characters ._.

no my entire argument is that i dont like when people try to make blocky characters look realistic without removing their blockyness, its like real life steve from minecraft

here are some examples of what im talking about:


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theres people willing even to pay for my #### in the black market, trying to make a blocky character look realistic without removing the blockyness ins’t high quality

Seriously… this is somebody asking for feedback on a piece of work they did and it’s turned into this. Please flag it and move on, have this discussion somewhere else and don’t do it after somebody’s asked for feedback on a piece they’ve made.
And don’t straight up insult somebody’s work, that’s disrespectful and can be so hurtful and demotivating.


This Dude’s Having a Break Down Because of GFX And Poeple Saying He’s Wrong

Well… I had to do that before to explain the difference between a render and a gfx LOL


It’s a nice gfx, and I am no specialist at doing gfx, but I think maybe smoothing out the textures on the jeans and shirt a little bit. And about the argument in these replies, it really depends on personal preference. You can do and like whatever style you want. Don’t let these people discourage you.

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Dude this is beautiful art what do you mean. And one of them isn’t even an art piece, it’s just a meme image.