[GFX] Feedback on my recent GFX

So pretty! I don’t have much experience in GFX, and I’m not sure whether you are leaning towards realism or roblox realism. If you are leaning towards realism I would change the amount of raindrops on coat because it looks a little strange, and maybe the face aswell. Other than that, this is really good GFX. great job!

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Cute GFX and very realistic in my honest opinion

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The way her right foot bends on the concrete is perfection
Very impressive

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sorry bro i forgot roblox community dont know about the outside world, im outta here since yall think feedback is being positive all the time with 1% of criticism and any more criticism is offense, and any attempt of explaining my own criticism is starting a discussion since the other side refuses to listen and think

I think the issue is more that your criticisms were not constructive. Saying a personal preference in style is ‘ugly’ will not help the creator improve and will just demotivate them.
Next time, criticise the methods/way the creator has done things and give a solution to help rather than just calling it ugly and to choose a different art style.

As for the actual GFX, I really like your shading and positioning of the character. My only small criticism would be to make the rain feel more realistic when it comes into contact with the character and the ground by adding splashes and stuff. Best of luck with your future creations. :two_hearts:


Very nice reminds me of little nightmares 10/10

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In my opinion, the realistic effects lighting and the blockier characters looks better (in most cases, when done correctly). For examples of how this looks good, even outside of Roblox, take shaders in Minecraft for example.

Minecraft has it’s own aesthetic (similar to that of Roblox’s), and a decent amount of people like to use shaders. It adds more realistic, vibrant, and colorful lighting, along with wavy plants, water, etc. The way the realism contrasts with the blocky style works better than it sounds on paper. Same thing goes for Roblox. There’s a level of contrast, of grey area, that makes other things stand out, which I think the original post GFX does well! :+1: The blurred background, the reflections on the bottom really make the character stand out. Well done!