'Ghost' member preventing role from being deleted

[Filing this on behalf of a friend]

He has been attempting to delete a role from his group, but is unable to do so due to what looks like a ‘phantom member’. The interface says there is one member in the ‘Visa Applicant’ role while there is none available to be managed in the admin panel.

I can confirm that this bug is visible even from a non-group owner point of view, as I see it in the group members list – one member listed in the role but no actual user visible.

This is the group in question: RepubIic of Liberia - Roblox

This is a screenshot of the admin panel’s view he shared with me:

And, this is what it looks like for me (an individual without direct access to the panel):

The view when attempting to delete the role:

Expected behavior

If there is no available member to be either kicked, banned, or ranked up in the group; it shouldn’t display the role as having one member, when it obviously does not.

This prevents individuals from being able to delete or properly manage/adjust their group’s roles.


Already reported:


Thanks for the report; We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi @Howimetted, any updates? This problem is still happening.

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Following up again. This is still happening.

Hello @anon315037 we’ve put in a fix for the counter display, can you confirm it’s as expected?