Incorrect Total Member Count for Group Roles, Prevents Role Deletion

There is an issue where the displayed total member count for certain group roles is incorrect. This leads to complications such as being unable to delete roles even after removing all ranked users, due to Roblox detecting ‘ghost’ users. This bug has been observed in the following groups:

  1. Blau Hotels & Resorts:

    • Role: Noted Guest
    • Displayed Member Count: 8
    • Actual Member Count: 7
  2. Foxtrot Asylum Roleplay:

    • Role: —
    • Displayed Member Count: 15
    • Actual Member Count: 1
    • Role: Quality Assurance
    • Displayed Member Count: 35
    • Actual Member Count: 0

This issue was previously reported, and affected groups had their data manually corrected by engineers. However, the root cause of the incorrect member count needs to be addressed to prevent future occurrences as this has been an issue for years now. A quick fix where an engineer manually fixes up the corrupted data would also be appreciated.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the group page.
  2. View the roles and their respective member counts.
  3. Compare the displayed member counts with the actual number of members in each role.

I’m not sure how this could happen in the first place, but I suspect it could be reproduced when lots of people are ranked simultaneously/in a short period of time, or otherwise, maybe deleted/banned users aren’t being shown in the member list but are still recorded in the total count? Not sure.



@Focia19 Hey! I think this bug might have slipped through the cracks as I haven’t had a response from you guys about it being filed internally, nor one from an engineer.

Are you able to go through the same process you did here to correct the affected groups’ data, and also file it internally for review? Would be much appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

CC @music_man1996

Hi @bvetterdays

For your information, a ticket is automatically filed into our database, regardless if we announce it or not!

The ticket was also assigned to an engineer!

Thank you for the heads-up anyway!