Ghouls Ent - Guidelines

Ghouls Ent - Guidelines

Ghouls Ent is a multi-purpose group for clothing and game development. Inside said group you must follow these small set of rules just so everyone can have a good experience and to keep everyone safe.

  1. No spam, scam, links/ads.

This goes for in the group games and on the group wall. Severity of this rule being broken will be determined by which group wall manager finds the message.

If severe enough, you can get placed in the detained rank. More information on rankings can be found here.

  1. Be respectful to other members.

Make sure to be respectful to everyone in the group or game. After all we’re all one big community, refrain from being disrespectful. If caught being disrespectful on the group wall, the message will be deleted.

Repeatedly breaking this rule can lead to getting the detained rank.

  1. No exploiting or glitches.

This rule is rather mundane. Caught exploiting or glitches will be a permanent detain rank. Leave and rejoin the group and we will just deny your join request.

Exploiters will be banned from all group games, glitchers will either be in the detained or in extreme cases, their data can be reset. This is only if the glitches that were abused were harming the economy/group revenue.