Give us 64bit studio

When are we getting 64 bit studio? It’s been years and for my team and I, it’s getting impossible to work on our game with 32 bit studio. For any developers who have this issue too, I believe I speak for you as well.

The issue being “Bad allocation” or “Serializer::load can’t read header”, making it impossible for me to solo-test and publish the game. I am forced to restart studio every time, expanding my work hours and making it difficult for my other coders as well when they put in their fair share.

We’ve noticed that bad allocation is an error relating to memory, and we’ve realized that this is because Studio is limited to 4 gigabytes of memory due to it being a 32-bit app.

It is not our computers, it is studio itself. I lead a developer team of 9 people, 5 including myself being coders. All of us suffer the same issues when attempting to test what we have coded; and it’s getting ridiculous to say the least.

Bad allocation error would crash my studio after attempting to solo play, while a bad allocation error for publishing would refuse to publish the game at all.

Serializer::load can’t read header would also cause the bad allocation error.

bad%20allocation Screenshot_41


Duplicate of ROBLOX Studio as a 64-bit application?