Giving out my bike system

How can I use normal R15 Roblox characters instead of the custom one? I want this to be a bike in a game you can get onto and off whenever you want. disabling the character script throws errors and I can’t find any other way in any of the scripts to do this


Sorry to join along on this after a while, But is it possible to make the tricks server sided so other plays can see your tricks etc?

how to remove the character and put the character of the player?


can someone please help me make this use the roblox race script? i aleardy have an bicycle game with the roblox racing script and i would love to see it work with the checkpoints and stuff, like an actual racing game! i dont have many robux, but i could still pay someone for it. i have been trying to make this work for so long and i feel defeated by it.

How do i make mobile support for this system?

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I’m having issues converting the bike system to R15 (the players character) :frowning: if anyone knows a way let me know!!1

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is there a way to ditch the custom character and move back to Roblox character?


Wild ): obby but your on a bike and bike of hell used this and make hundreds of millions.