There’s a handful of glitched accessories that were presumably meant to be released as they were uploaded on the Roblox account and listed as LimitedU, yet they don’t have stock and can’t be purchased. I’ll list them below, if I missed any, be sure let me know down below!
I expect these items to be given proper releases by fixing their broken stock not being purchasable so that they can finally sell out and be traded/resold as if they were any other Limited item. If this isn’t possible, then there’s always the alternative of removing all these items’ LimitedU tags and making them offsale until it’s decided what should be done with them. I know that it’s possible for items to lose their limited tag, it’s happened a few times in the past with items such as the Horns of the Creature and a few others that I can’t be bothered to name.
Specifically, many of these items were released during the Roblox april fools day hacking and were released by bad actors who had gained access to the admin panel. I seriously doubt Roblox would rerelease most of these.
I remember back in Roblox mobile’s infancy you could perform an exploit to get any of these items for free, which is likely the API vulnerability you are speaking of.
It appears Roblox is doing stuff behind the scenes with most of these glitched items, but my question is why was this topic closed and are these items going to remain unobtainable or will they get proper rereleases?
They were most likely planning this prior to this post, which is why they picked up on this so quickly, however in my perspective, these will remain private and only be used as ‘testing’ items.
I’d still love some updates on this as i find it very interesting.
If I had to guess this is likely a side effect of them swapping over to the Limited 2.0 system, all it would take is Roblox wiping any previous bugged sale history and toggling these items as resellable as well as adding stock to them. If all that gets done, I could see these items being in a releasable state. But knowing Roblox, they’ll probably just continue to be used for testing and collect dust on the catalog.
Hey! Just wondering if there’ll be any update to this? This is one of the more interesting catalog bugs that has existed on Roblox and it’d be super cool to see it get fixed. I understand that the report says “Closed” but we haven’t received a follow-up on the decision of these items.
Not every item uploaded actually goes on sale. Something could not end up going on sale for any number of reasons.
An item simply not having gone on sale isn’t a bug. Even if we said something would go on sale for some event in the past and it didn’t we’re not going to go back and retroactively sell it now.
Shouldn’t something be done about the items that actually did go onsale and have owners who spent Robux for them, but the owners can’t sell, trade, or do anything with it? The ideal solution would probably be to remove the Limited U status of those items, as has been done before with the Horns of the Creature and Gingerbread Immortal Sword in 2018 so we know it’s possible, or make the items resellable and tradable. In both of these cases, the limited status was revoked after the item was purchased by people via unintended methods like the API, after it broke upon release. I don’t see why these items would be any different despite being older.
The issue here for these specific items is that they’re marked as limiteds when they are unable to be purchased/traded, which is where the confusion arises: Catalog
Having the limited tag on an untradeable/unsellable item when the limited tag indicates that items can be purchasable is a bug in my opinion. If it didn’t have the tag then there wouldn’t be a conversation around these items. Ultimately, what a lot of people would like to see is these items being fixed to allow them to be tradeable (as some people own these items regardless), to bring more items into Roblox’s limited market.
We’re talking about an exceedingly small set of items here.
If we start going and mucking around with stuff like this trying to “fix” these grey area metadata issues there’s a pretty high chance that we eventually end up doing things that make the very people interested in these issues significantly unhappy.
Is that risk really worth it to fix such an obscurity?
Personally think the value in letting people actually wear and enjoy these items highly outweighs the vocal minority who’d be upset that time didn’t sit still for another decade. Should these hats really be locked in the vault because a handful of people won’t be able to point and go “Hey! Remember when Roblox failed?” Why not focus on those who’d be happy to see Roblox go back and fix these mistakes after waiting for so long?
We’re both talking about the same set of fewer than 100 items total right? Of which many of the owners probably aren’t even active anymore.
The issue I was getting at is that if we start mucking with stuff like this we could break some kind of item expectations that way more than 100 people care about.
My 2 cents - I agree this isn’t a bug per se. The items weren’t released properly, and as a result were set as not resellable/not tradeable, and this behavior is labeled clearly with the ‘Resellable: No’ tag.
For the items that have owners already, it’s very hard to say how the owners would feel about a change, and this kind of change is not really reversible. I believe that most would be in favor, but it’s just a speculative guess. EDIT: I do think @Spectaqual raises a decent point in saying that owner expectations need not necessarily be considered for a case like this, since the items were never obtained properly anyway.
The bigger takeaway for me here is that Roblox has a lot of cool, unique items in the backlog that deserve proper releases, maybe as hidden rewards for Roblox Classic events, or classic limitedU releases using the new Collectibles 2.0 backend.