There’s a handful of glitched accessories that were presumably meant to be released as they were uploaded on the Roblox account and listed as LimitedU, yet they don’t have stock and can’t be purchased. I’ll list them below, if I missed any, be sure let me know down below!
I expect these items to be given proper releases by fixing their broken stock not being purchasable so that they can finally sell out and be traded/resold as if they were any other Limited item. If this isn’t possible, then there’s always the alternative of removing all these items’ LimitedU tags and making them offsale until it’s decided what should be done with them. I know that it’s possible for items to lose their limited tag, it’s happened a few times in the past with items such as the Horns of the Creature and a few others that I can’t be bothered to name.
Specifically, many of these items were released during the Roblox april fools day hacking and were released by bad actors who had gained access to the admin panel. I seriously doubt Roblox would rerelease most of these.
I remember back in Roblox mobile’s infancy you could perform an exploit to get any of these items for free, which is likely the API vulnerability you are speaking of.
It appears Roblox is doing stuff behind the scenes with most of these glitched items, but my question is why was this topic closed and are these items going to remain unobtainable or will they get proper rereleases?
They were most likely planning this prior to this post, which is why they picked up on this so quickly, however in my perspective, these will remain private and only be used as ‘testing’ items.
I’d still love some updates on this as i find it very interesting.
If I had to guess this is likely a side effect of them swapping over to the Limited 2.0 system, all it would take is Roblox wiping any previous bugged sale history and toggling these items as resellable as well as adding stock to them. If all that gets done, I could see these items being in a releasable state. But knowing Roblox, they’ll probably just continue to be used for testing and collect dust on the catalog.