Glitched LimitedU Accessories That Released In A Broken State That Never Got Proper Rereleases

Referring to every glitched Limited here, both with owners and ownerless. My point still stands, dismissing the large audience of players who’d want to see these items return over the theoretical handful who’d kick up dust is silly.

Just because the four items with owners collectively have less than 100 copies doesn’t mean that’s the entire audience you’re appealing to by turning them into proper Limiteds. Traders would be more than happy to finally see these return as rare treasures of Roblox’s history.


The bug report here isn’t referring to potential other expectations of other items, just these items that have this unique issue. There are far more benefits outweighing the negatives here, but mainly more limiteds in circulation due to past owners now being able to trade/sell these items that they obtained, and more robux in the economy due to people being able to purchase said items.

The main negative is that previous owners may not be happy that they can trade an item that they got for free by abusing the API at the time, but they can simply choose not to trade it - or they can trade it for other items as I’m sure these items will be in high demand after being untradable for over a decade.


Wasn’t specifically referring to the owners in my first reply. Kind of doubt the owners would be mad to have the choice to cash out if they’re no longer interested in keeping these items. Whether they should get this opportunity for using clever tricks most players weren’t even aware of is another discussion entirely, one I’m not sure where I stand on. Players have been intentionally rewarded items in the past for peeking behind the curtain and pressing a few buttons, such as with the first owners of the Impossible Egg of Genius, but I don’t think that’s how these items were supposed to be obtained.

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Im so confused reading this, cant they just be made tradeable and resealable ?
hold my bloxy cola what

Making them tradeable is an instant positive, why would it be a problem, especially if they have owners and the limited tag its clearly a bug. A Huge audience wants to see these be available again and there are owners, it will go for sale/ be traded etc,
With the new collectibles 2.0 backend etc i just feel like no one can be bothered when it comes to these old items real shame.

There are literally no negatives to making already limited items tradable and resellable. These items just sit at the bottom of the catalog picking up dust, even though this can be easily fixed by making them tradable and resellable. Nobody would be upset about this, so I don’t know what “risks” you’re even talking about.


I don’t think staff are saying that the items going limited would be an intense change that they can’t see happening, but rather that it’d set a precedent that other things that are unacknowledged and stuck between a grey area would be changed in the future, and it’d start affecting alot more people.

The issue with this is, a majority of these actually WERE supposed to release legitimately, and therefore releasing them as tradable items today would give them the justice they deserve today. I’m very very sure that the owners of these items would not be upset that they could trade an extremely rare low owner limited, and the community has been waiting for new content for months.


If they aren’t going to make them tradable, or sellable, they should at least remove the limited tag and make them off sales.


I think the difference here is that people obtained these items via an exploit, lol.

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Not trying to be rude but, how are you going to say “not every item uploaded actually goes on sale” in regards to this scenario? Okay, fair enough. But then why were these items set as Limited U’s if they weren’t meant to be sold? This is very clearly unintended and bugged behavior, especially when you account for the fact that Roblox had tons of issues with the legacy Limited U system which caused them to retire it back in 2019 due to many items being released in bugged states such as not being able to be sold, players purchasing paid stocked items for free after the original stock had sold out, etc.

Not to mention some of these items have price and stock data, which indicates they were intended to be sold, as shown here:


It’d be exciting to see Wanwood Round Shades and Emerald Top Hat being released properly after all these years. Hopefully they also won’t screw over the existing rarity since these are what they’re known for (regardless if they’re exploited), as Peppermint Top Hat & Dark Knight Helmet are very obscure rares albeit broken today.

I feel the pain of holding something rare and Roblox deciding to make it available to many more people at some later point. Roblox held a sale for Memorial Day 2017 which released two items, Burning Dragon Soul Hood (62 copies) & its frozen counterpart (66 copies). Years later, Roblox decided to turn one of these into a $10 gift card item and it likely has thousands of copies now. (We all spent 10K ROBUX on it btw). The frozen variant (with 66 copies) went limited in 2022 and is worth nearly 200K value…

It also sucks they did this to Tix Bling. It originally had 79 copies after going off sale after Tixapalooza 2016, and Roblox returned it last year for everyone to purchase. I didn’t own it, but that feels horrendously unfair to the original owners and I hope Roblox can factor this in for future releases. It would’ve been worth hundreds of thousands of robux if it went limited immediately. It was meant to be an exclusive memorabilia for tickets, and I’d rather see it go limited instead of having its desirability plummet.