Glow/Transparency effect for meshes (Blender)

In many different games, I have seen a glow (rarely transparency) effect for certain meshes (a gradient, usually based in the center), and I would like to ask how it could be replicated. I have found nothing relating to this so far. 1st image: Glow+Transparency, 2nd and 3rd: Glow

Thanks for any help

mmm thoes are like… 3 different images…

The first one looks like a neon mesh with a texture on it

the second one look like it was vertex painted according to this post

and the last one looks like a flashlight was shined on it, or a really dark vignette effect.

Hey there, they all share the glowing effect (No light being casted on the meshparts).

I’m not sure if I am using vertex paint correctly, but I’ve only managed to use it for black AO, not a “glow” effect or transparency of textures (if they even are textures).

Hold on, I’ll transfer this to the other post so we can discuss it in a larger group.

Neon parts painted black through vertex paint.

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