Good graphics vs. Roblox players

I have been working on a puzzle game and recently I found a way to create some stunning graphics, which I plan to use throughout my game, but I came across a problem that has been bothering me. I hear many stories where developers will spend years working on a game with wonderful graphics and the game is bug free and just overall a great game, but because the graphics are not colorful enough, the game never takes off, I mean think about, when is the last time you have seen a game with realistic graphics hit the front page?

I have already put so much work into this game and I believe this game could be huge, with its storyline, game-play, and music, but I just want to know that my graphics won’t ruin my chances because, honestly, I love the graphics and would be sad to have to ditch them.

Am I worrying over nothing or should I adjust the graphics?


Its pretty good, maybe a little overboard.

Excuse me, I am a bit confused. What do you mean by “overboard”? and by you saying, “Its pretty good” mean I shouldn’t worry?

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Graphics should solidify your games experience. It isn’t an essential part of a game. You could have a game with very simplistic graphical design and it would still succeed. Consider

I’m not saying you should not bother, but it’s best to keep in mind do you think that it would be worth the time and effort to create such effects. I know of a few games that have very stunning effects in Roblox and they do pretty well. Dday, startscape and the wild west all have the same design principal and do it very well.

On the practical side what I would do is:

  1. Make a base game without the added graphics.
  2. Let a select group of users play and test the game.
  3. If they like the game put the graphics in and fully release it.

You may recognise this as what you’d call prototyping. That’s what I would do. Your not obliged to follow it.


It’s actually not that hard to achieve this level of graphics, it took me a little bit figure out how to do it, but I know now how to do it so it’s easy. I also already know that this will be a great game, if everything goes well, I’m just asking, for example, what if “Adopt Me!” had realistic graphics? Would it still be as popular as it is today?

Definently not, Adopt me is meant to be a fun, childish, and cartoonish game.

Realistic vs. Non-realistic graphics has more to do with what the game is and what its audience is than any other factor.

So just ask yourself:

What kind of game are you making?
Whos the target audience?

if the game is a role-play game and your targer audience is slightly older than the typical roblox player, realistic graphics should be good.

if your game is aimed towards a younger audience and is more fast paced, simple graphics with bright color indicating “hot-spots” is the way to go.

a first person shooter? could go either way… take BIG paintball vs. Phantom Forces…

This sentence right here is probably the most important part. What matters in graphics is the style. Style should be determined based on your core gameplay mechanics and the general “feel” you’re aiming for. From there, the entire game should be designed around that style. This includes models, textures, UI, sound design, animation, etc. The entire game should feel consistent within that style.

I would also recommend not disregarding this as prototyping is the key most important thing to do. When it comes down to it, graphics don’t matter. The game can look amazing, but if the core gameplay mechanics are boring, nobody will want to play.

Furthermore, prototyping and testing is extremely important to do regularly as your idea of what’s “good” may not be what others consider to be. It should also be noted that the longer you’ve been working on a project, the more attached and biased of it you’ll become. Testing is important with fresh minds (who haven’t played it before) to see how a new player might experience the game. This is critical for an ideal game experience.

On the final note, Roblox’s player base is indeed mostly children. If your goal is to reach said children, you should do some research on what’s popular right now for that audience. Colors are important regardless of your audience as colors are a useful tool to guide the player emotionally and subconsciously through your experience. A realistic style can work, but not on its own (for children). I would say a good example is the difference between the level design of Half Life vs that of Portal. Though even then, children (and sometimes adults too) have a short attention span. If puzzles are too difficult or the game is boring them, they’ll play something else.

In short, design your game’s style based on your target audience. There is a whole study around this alone, about what makes a game “feel” good for the right style. Mobile games exploit this psychology, making them a good reference. I don’t exactly agree with the tactics that mobile games use, but it clearly works quite well. This is why most Roblox games take a similar route in style and design.

I guess I’m beating around the bush with this one, so I’ll just get to the point. Realistic games generally do not do well on Roblox due to who the majority audience of Roblox. A realistic game can still do well with 13+ users (and perhaps still some under), but make sure you nail that design. If there’s a story, make sure that story is also told within the world itself. Make sure everything works together to create a full and positive gameplay experience. Of course, that goes with any game project.

And with that, I have accidentally written an essay of sorts. This concludes my random TED Talk.


Oh one more thing I forgot to mention: Another reason that realistic games don’t do that well on Roblox is that in realistic style games, with the wrong design (and this is usually the case on Roblox and sometimes outside of Roblox), it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate background objects and mechanically active (or interactive) objects.

This is where little visual tricks can come into play. Contrast is important for this. You can use lighting to guide players, brighter and more contrasting colors, or just a general “out-of-place” feel that makes an object look important, rather than just clutter. If all else fails, you can also just clearly mark said objects with a highlight or glow. Though I feel as though the former is the preferred method, especially for more realistic style games.


tbh are graphics arent going to be very performant but i wouldnt say the graphics are “stunning” its more just future lighting with orange ambient and reflectance. you shouldnt worry about “good graphics” against roblox players but you may want to use less lights to be more performant

The graphics itself are beautiful, but overboard for roblox. There are people out on roblox who can’t play your game because of its graphics.

Jailbreak & Bloxburg aren’t realistic, but however, they still have some quite realistic lighting and weathers. It’s true that Roblox was never meant to be the engine for games like Call of Duty, Dying Light or Ark Survival, so after all, extreme graphics aren’t important on Roblox.

That might have been true when Roblox first started, but that is quickly becoming no longer the case. I can’t find the exact video and timestamp covering this (it was in one of the last few RDCs), but they mentioned focusing on more realistic graphical support. However, they also mentioned wanting to support all art styles, not just realism.

The closest thing I could find was from this video:

More on that game here:

Game Link:

If I find the exact clip I was thinking of, I’ll link it below. But my point is that Roblox is evolving. I know people always get upset when they hear that, but that’s exactly what’s happening. I’m personally excited for it, as everyone else should be, because these changes are optional. It also means that Roblox is becoming a better engine overall, not just graphically.

Also about some devices not being able to run these more intense graphics, while that is true to some extent, I believe Roblox is working towards making it available for as many people (and devices) as possible. But regardless, it’s still completely optional.

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To explain it, it’s quite simple. For example, can africans make traditional chinese food? Technically yes, simple to learn. But it’s also a fact that such food doesn’t blend in with the people’s culture or taste, so they won’t make it. Are the people truly different from DNA? Not much, but the culture, traditions and habits decides what the community wants.

and Roblox is the most social game on the internet, but however, contains little playerbase who seek insane graphics or action.

I’m not sure if that’s entirely true. Few people from today would prefer to play older Roblox games (even if they worked). Sure, there’s the nostalgia factor or just wanting to see what old games were like, but people don’t generally prefer those games over the modern ones (mainly graphically). I don’t think the future will be any different in regards to current games.

As for the rest, I’m not really sure what that has to do with anything. To clarify, I’m not saying the future is realism, all I’m saying is that Roblox is trying to allow developers to make whatever kinds of games they want.

@Hurricanerice and @F0xBirdmansBFF, I have plans to deal with lag and performance regarding the different devices players may use to play my game. I could also teach you if you would like.

@Megalodox_Official, Roblox Studio is designed to give you all the tools you need in order to create a great game, including, ways to generate graphics like Call of Duty, Dying Light, and Ark Survival Evolved. There are also plenty of action games on Roblox.

When it comes to creating something, you want something new, something unique, and in the past 7 years on Roblox, originality and uniqueness seem to be something Roblox is lacking. People say that Roblox is a children’s game, which may be true, but it is the developers of Roblox who are the ones to fix this, but it just seems that majority developers are too lazy to make anything worthwhile.

One thing I have noticed is that developers are often good at developing and bad at game design or great at game design and bad a developing, therefore a developer will create a game like Adopt Me or 3008 where the game is pretty straight forward, but not much to do, like what do you do with pets in Adopt Me after you get one? Another thing I have noticed is how developers often rely on other developers for ideas, for example, look at these Roblox game names:

  • Goal Kicking Simulator
  • Mining Simulator
  • Bubblegum Simulator
  • Lifting Simulator
  • Bee Swarm Simulator
  • Roller Coaster Tycoon
  • Clone Tycoon
  • Tropical Resort Tycoon

I believe good graphics can bring a level of uniqueness to my game as well as others and make them stand out. After all, most games on Roblox have very poor graphics.

Your average Roblox graphics

Adopt Me:

Whacky Wizards:



If all goes well, my game should target all ages, like Minecraft, not too simple, so older audiences will get enjoyment, and not too complex for the children, but I guess I should keep it on the children side figuring how kids are the majority audience.

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you can say “average roblox graphics” and show images of games which all have a VERY different style than eachother.

I dont get how your calling out games for having “bad graphics” when their graphics style are chosen to fit the style of a game. your logic is “why doesnt adopt me have ultra realistic pbr graphics?!?!? wahhh!!” when your try to “flex” your graphics when its literally just future lighting with orange and dark ambient + lights.

this i 100% agree with. i dont understand the popularity in 3008 when i get bored playing that game (i love horror games, so its not biased) in 10 seconds. good developing, bad game design.

its not really “lacking” it, you just see wayy more of un-unique games when in reality there are a bunch of unique games that are “hidden” or not very popular.

yeah but it isnt a “kids game”, it just had a higher playerbase of kids and games more games aimed towards kids


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Same as drawing, explore your art style. You don’t really need to follow trending graphic styles. Maybe extremely uniqueness graphic might be able to more attractive than trending graphic styles.

There is no need to be nasty, I am just trying to get the opinions of other developers on how well games with good graphics perform. I apologize if you feel like I am “flexing” my graphics, I am just very proud of them.

I will do this, I will continue developing my game with its current graphics and prototype it (Which I was already planning to do, just to make sure the puzzles are not too difficult) and I will go from there, thank you.

Hm well if you’re looking to attract an older audience a more serious look works. It also depends on the games topic. If its like history people below the age of 9 will get bored and leave but reverse if the user is like 14.

Not retro, cartoonish & low poly
That’s what most people want on roblox.
Nothing is good at everything, and when it’s good at too much things, it becomes generally worse. Social roblox is better than a extreme skill PvP roblox privileged to true rich gamers

Your graphics and options aren’t “good”.
In art, there’s nothing “good”. Everyone knows when it’s crap, but here’s the thing, if you think hyper realism is better than cute cartoons, there’s this place called Unreal Engine official website