I know that you can use UIGradients for for example frames, text label backgrounds and more.
Is there a way to use gradients instead of a normal text RGB color, or would I have to use a pre-made image for that?
I know that you can use UIGradients for for example frames, text label backgrounds and more.
Is there a way to use gradients instead of a normal text RGB color, or would I have to use a pre-made image for that?
If you insert UIGradient into the TextLabel, set the color sequence. Set background transparency of the textlabel to be 1 or a color other than 255,255,255 (white), then set TextColor3 to 255,255,255 (white). It’ll make the text have the gradient.
gradienttext.rbxl (31.1 KB)
You can set the TextColor to be any color, but it’ll affect the gradient’s color sequence.
Oh wow, that’s actually really clever! Thanks!
Hi, it worked when designing it, but did’nt work when i run it…
How to make it work when running the game. (it shows the TextColor as white)