Grappling hook is freezing car

It works fine for a while, then this happens. Every time I hook onto something it freezes the car in place.

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maybe disable the grappling hook when your in a car or make the car glide to where the grappling hook is or make the line of the grappling hook massless or unanchored

Well the grappling hook is half for the car, and I made it so that it’s just a rope when you’re in the car so it doesn’t glide, and the part is a rope.

so your trying to make it to where it flys in the air when it grapples something?


so what are you trying to make it do?

Well when you’re not in the car, it is an overpowered grappling hook, unlimited range, and very strong. But when you are in the car, it acts like a rope so it’s like in those movies when someone shoots a rope around a pole so they can turn very sharp corners.

so your trying to make the car swing when it grapples something?

if that is wehat your trying to do then make car massless when it grapples the thing and make a script rotate the car around the thing until its ungrappled?

This is what it looks like when it isn’t acting up. (It was even bugging out when I was recording)

the turn power when the car goes up the ramp is very hard but ive tested it so it seems like it keeps the car in place so they are ancored

So you’re saying that the car is anchored?

might be ancored i do not know

Since the car is moving at a fast Velocity and the Grappling Hook is doing the same, the Two objects will freeze due to it being pulled on both sides at nearly the same velocity

its like Newtons (Second Law?) F = m a

unless im completely wrong, which i think i am

I think it has to do with networking issues

its not the networking, its the velocity, the networking seems to works fine, since as sooon as the grapple disappears, the car works fine

well then what is it


Here you go, thats literally what it is

well yes and no its roblox physics so you gotta unancor the line or unfreeze it so it swings around the object and make the car massless until its ungrappled

Your grappling hook part should have a root priority of -1 and the car’s base should have a priority of 1. Then, make sure you set the network owner correctly.