Grass is getting greener on this side! [GrassLength Studio Beta]

I like how this looks, but don’t generally use smooth terrain, are there any plans for the ability to have this stuff on regular parts in the works?

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I’m not sure if they ever responded about that part specifically, but I definitely would like to see things like grass and water being appliable to parts, along with having their own unique properties for that given part.

I think that would be huge, especially for applying a water material to parts. Mainly for things like rivers, but there are other applications where more exact size and positioning is needed, and terrain doesn’t quite work for that due to its voxel limitation.

Also maybe instead of the properties acting on all of the grass, maybe you would be able to like select a region for the effects to take change on.

Dunno if this is already available but it seems like it’s not

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This was already responded to:

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Ah that’s my fault, I guess I didn’t see that lol, thanks for the correction lettin me know

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Well now this is interesting.

  1. Will this eventually be a separate class that you place under Terrain like Clouds?

  2. What does the roadmap for this feature look like currently?

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It’s good to hear that Multiple MaterialVariants are being considered. I’m really looking forward to it becoming a feature!

Regarding the Value Ranges. The use case for 0 is not to completely disable decorations, but instead to create patches which don’t have grass. Something like the image bellow, where there is a combination of no grass with grass. Currently, the only way of achieving this is by having Grass and Leafy grass share the same texture.

Another use case could be the one that @Trl0_P90 mentioned. Where if you have a house for example on grass. The grass would clip through the floor, having the ability to paint the grass length to be 0 would be very useful to combat that. You would have no grass under the house, while outside there is grass. You wouldn’t completely disable decorations.

If Multiple MaterialVariants are eventually added, then we wouldn’t need to sacrifice LeafyGrass. But, it would still be nice for this to be officially supported and not needing to rely on a hacky method to achieve this.

Also, is there any hope for having the ability to recolor terrain per voxel? Something similar to the image bellow? Terrain being limited to one singular color is extremely restrictive especially when you are designing expansive stylized environments. This issue is especially prevalent with the grass material, as its the only material that shares the grass property. With Multiple MaterialVariants we could create 2 grass materials of different colors, but will we have the ability to keep the grass property?

The use case for this is if you want to have for example a green spring biome next to a fall biome. You would want to have green grass on one side, while the other side has orange/brown grass. Like the image example bellow, except the orange/brown grass also have the decorative grass property that the green grass has. The current hacky method is having all the grass be green. Once the player enters the fall zone, we tween the color to go from green to orange/brown.


I found an error with how the grass is recharged,It happens when you move the bar too fast:

@LightBeamRays What is the performance toll? Originally when grass was released, it was said that there was no performance overhead whatsoever. But I am consistently getting this in my errors report, seems plenty of devices are unable to handle the grass:

I love all these new features that are being added to the Terrain, however we really really need a way to be able to make these kinds of settings for specific areas only. As an example, maybe I want the grass to be smaller near houses and roads, but I want it to be taller in the wild. Same thing can be said about Water Color, maybe I wanna have a swamp where the water is a bit greenish / brownish, but I can’t change the property because if I do it will just make the other places (that are not swamps) look weird.

Please. :pensive:

Will you allow us to select a specific area to make grass taller/shorter, windier or just no grass at all? I think it would be cool because we can have fields of tallgrass and some other areas lowgrass or no grass (Selecting density would also be cool to make grass really spaced or really cramped)

I haven’t seen this issue since it happened.
I rebooted Studio after posting this, and the issue hasn’t come back.

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Agreed, and it isn’t really length, just changing to size of each triangle. Still, it is at least nice to get new smooth terrain updates. I hope will all of my might that 2024 brings more material slots for terrain, true custom grass, and the ability to change the color of terrain on the fly for each different area. That’d be worth the publication.

Please read briefly through a thread before posting:

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I hope we can get to see much more useful and dynamic terrain customization much sooner than we got to see grass change heights! Let us paint colors instead of having terrain colors be a global value per material!

I really love this new feature as the game I am working on is made mostly with grass. However this is just a request but do you think you could make a new leaf-like terrain decoration to the options of grass? In the game I am making I want to have an autumn are while a lot more of the place is normal grass but terrain color is throughout the whole game while I want a certain terrain color in one area. Just a suggestion but it would really help in the current game I am working on.

Can you make it so we can increase it to higher than 1? I don’t see the point of limitation here

What was it… four, or even five years of us begging for one slider? :sob:

Cool, but please look into performance for changing grass height on large maps.

Consistently getting a 0.5-1s studio freeze on our map when changing the grass height property.

Might be only in studio, so possibly only a dev inconvenience. But please keep it’s usage on large maps in mind when making it scriptable.

Unfortunately, terrain objects are still hit-and-miss, and you occasionally get missing voxels that won’t detect hits with Raycast, even though they show up in the game.

This means that I’ve relied on mesh parts to create the high-end look I need, but can’t utilise the grass, without hiding terrain under the ground.

I assume that grass will still be “painted” on terrain - even if the property is disconnected. Really the way that grass should be handled is through shaders - and for me that is where Roblox should focus if it wants to continue to develop high end graphical games.

That said, for stuff that doesn’t rely on raycast detection, the changes to grass are very welcome, and make for a nice menu system in my game: