Grass is getting greener on this side! [GrassLength Studio Beta]

Yes - please see this post above for details


All those proposed future features for grass, and foliage in general really, are super necessary to make landscapes that don’t feel completely and utterly dead. So very happy to hear they should be coming. Wish it was already here

I don’t really understand the reasoning behind not making the grass length scriptable just because its not in final form. Would have taken too much time or? Can’t have it grow now… Guess it’ll have to stay short. Too bad.

Edit: oh the grass height itself isn’t even implemented in published games yet… Oh damn. Glad to hear it’s coming soon

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It would be great if we developers had a grass painting tool, where we could choose the height of the grass and its color, I don’t know how the Roblox terrain works, but maybe you can save two pieces of information in each terrain voxel, one is the height of the grass and the other is its color, if the height is 0 there will be no grass, Then the current grass system would check the data and apply the height and color according to the corresponding voxel.

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this going public soon or what?


Is there an estimated time frame for published places to see the grass length change in effect?

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