Grid Type Inventory

Simple grid inventory I made in about 3 days, dropping and picking up hasn’t been implemented yet:
(images are placeholders ofc)

Give feedback if you want!


Really impressive stuff even all those images fit great! xD


This is really cool! Reminds me on the DayZ Inventory, lol :sunglasses:


Sorry to revive this, but did you ever add rotation, dropping, etc?


no, i never did since i never have had any use for this type of inventory

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Hey is it possible I could get my hands on this, sorry for being a begger.


This is really advanced inventory. Wow, I’m impressed. But the best thing was the cats, can’t disagree with that, haha. Anyway, man, keep it up! :cool:

Yes! I actually explained (or at least tried to explain it) in this post: Grid inventory explanation

There is also a download an .rblx file in that post!


A ton of people have requested for me to update this grid inventory so I’m now making a library free for everyone to use and edit. Although it’s not released yet since it’s not fully finished, has some missing features and also has a lot of bugs.

But here is a showcase in the meantime:

If you still want to suggest something that I should add, feel free to! Depending on your suggestion I will choose to get it into the final release or not. You will still be able to edit the code yourself later since it will be open-sourced on GitHub!


This is incredible! I was just trying to figure out how do make what you just showcased in this video. I got this inventory system to work with datastore and adding/removing items ect. but I was looking into how to make a storage system whether its chests or a bank and I come across this post. The only other thing would be the ability to swap items for example if I am dragging item A and drop it on item B if they were the same size they will swap positions.

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Wooah thank you so muchh, I hope somebody can take this source code and turn it into a module for easy use. Anyways, this is awesome thank you dude this will help everyone out so much

Would you mind open sourcing it.

Hey, I just wanted to check up on how the grid inventory module is going, could I get a update?

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Hey is this still in development?

Can you explain how you can move items across different grids from your GridPack showcase?

Great job! Please tell me how to use InvItem so that, for example, when dragging to a certain place, a function occurs.

Hello everyone! I’m finally back, and I’m very sorry for keeping you waiting for over a year, uhh oops.

I will be releasing v0.1.0 of GridPack soon, there are some things I need to add still, and I also need to setup a GitHub repository. The library will be releasing with the MIT license, which is a very open and free license. This means you will be able to modify the code and use it commercially. You will still need to credit me. More info is available on the link.

I will be posting an update here about the release soon, so stay tuned!


will it be easy to use like making a backpack system with it?

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Assuming they make it a module, yeah it should be really easy to implement this into your games :>


Please don’t leave us for another year :sob:

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