Group falsely banned for "buying/selling robux"

hi, my group and the account that holds ownership of the group have been banned for something that we certainly have not done. It was banned for “buying and selling robux”

this has not happened in the slightest. all robux transactions have been payments for commissions, or payouts for devex. absolutely no robux has been bought or sold.

the group in question: wunmo - Roblox
and the account:


You are not the only one. People do this to other accounts by getting on other services that sell Robux, buying Robux for your game (pass, shirts, whatever), using your scree-name as the account, maybe even leave feedback pretending to be that account. Then finally, some automated Roblox Ai scans those sites, sees the obvious use of your screen name, then checks to see if anything has been bought from you at the same time and just assumes you did it, bans your account, all automated without a human doing due diligence.
Needless to say, I am not very happy about this and how other Roblox users are being treated by this system as it’s too easy to abuse. Just make your complaint known here so I can add it to the pile of complaints against this new enforcement policy at Roblox Corp. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Not surprised. Roblox’s moderation has always been exceptionally flawed. Unless the moderation somehow improves, this kind of stuff will just keep happening.



This is roblox is a nutshell

Always will be

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This definingly needs more upvotes if you did get falsely banned

Only thing you’re able to do is appeal or use the DSA thing.

update: support escalated the ticket and they restored everything! if anyone else has this happen, just be patient and don’t stress, it is probably an automatic ban and you’ll be fine


W Roblox Support ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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