Group Members Search Returning No Results

Seems I’m still getting 429 requests when using the same endpoint but with curl

Affected machine IPs:
IDs include: CHI1-WEB933

Any reason for that?

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ok so before I posted a few hours ago it was like “ok every request will just return 429 now idc”
but now it’s like “ok it’s going to throttle properly again”
so now the question is… how many requests you sending to this Api? are these requests from your computer, or a public network like a school or a VPN or somethin? some way that it could be like “yooo this user is sending like seriously a lot of traffic tell em to cool it”


Atm Im sending completely no requests from that IP. The api returns 429 100% times. Its sent from my vps, where the api isnt currently used at all.

Well actually. Even the roblox website isnt requested from it as it’s purely for webhosting purposes. Only run the curl

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yeah ok can’t re-enable that one yet, ikik that sucks
don’t send requests from the VPS for now? sorry?


I have completely no idea what is currently going with the api, but I imagine that enabling 429 status codes on the api on sunday for sure wasn’t bad pipeline deployment.

Whatever is currently happening, good luck with your fight soldier

PS: Oh just lmk who I have to hunt for that brand new practice of enabling rate limits without retry-again (or any other) header when the endpoint starts to be buggy. :zipper_mouth_face:

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for the ps
yeah uh that’s me, sorry
the retry-after header stuff is on a long todo list of mine to include in 429s
haven’t prioritized yet :grimacing:
and uh
that “brand new practice of enabling rate limits” when things go :fire: uh
I’m gonna try not to let that happen again, uh
not something that’s not cool at all for sure uh
why am I even replying to this thread I don’t know how to speak to other humans sorry dude
cc: @BitwiseAndrea you’re a better communicator, I’ll let you keep handlin the communication part from now on thanks


No worries. You’re doing good. Slow steps and you’ll be the master. I’ma cheer you on!


Yet to be fixed, still happens for player search or payouts. This seems to happen when you change your username and won’t work until I write my old one.

This also happens in the payout page, a few days ago I tried to pay someone through my group but their username didn’t show up, I did rechecked it like 5-10 times to make sure that I am not trippin’.
But in here, it does show some people but that specific user didn’t show up.

If you could provide the username, that would be helpful. It’s hard to know what the problem is without more information.

My guess is that this username is being affected by the problem outlined here

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That seems like an entirely separate issue. Try hard refreshing (shift F5) the page to clear the local cache, or it might be that the remote cache is out of date, or that your account is incorrectly indexed. It is hard know or investigate without knowing the usernames you are having an issue with.

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Lolaa321 is what their username is.

I had no problem finding this user in the group payout search box. Are you sure you’ve checked recently?


I did recheck before replying to make sure I don’t submit false reports

Ah I just rechecked again and it seems to work fine… hmm weird :sweat_smile:
Thanks for your time!

Problem is, I made a post but it was deleted and I was directed to your reply calling it “solved.” Anyone that has searched me up had this issue.

My new username is Reisi_Overclocked and my previous one was platinum_reisi.

This issue still affects me. It is preventing me from getting group fund payouts. I cannot pay myself to run ads for my group games nor be paid for work I did. This issue has been happening for a week for me.



This is the same issue i noted above, and a separate issue than the one this thread was made for. The solution to your issue is to file a CS ticket or update the description on your profile to force a reindex.


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