Group Page Not Displaying Member and Experience Information

Issue Description:

The group page is not displaying further information regarding Members and Experiences. When visiting a group page, such as the Official Group of Roblox, the sections that should provide details about the group’s members and experiences are either missing or not loading properly.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the Official Group of Roblox.
  2. Observe the Members and Experiences sections of the group page.

Expected Behavior:

The Members section should display a list of group members, and the Experiences section should list any experiences associated with the group.

Actual Behavior:

The Members and Experiences sections do not display any information, leaving those areas of the page blank or unresponsive.


yes and also UGC item purchases are not working. And transactions are not showing


I’m experiencing the same bug. It asks me to join my own group. I can resolve this by clicking on my profile and visiting the group through there, but I can’t configure anything about it or view members or monetization. Teleporting to subplaces of games is also broken.

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It is broken for me too :frowning:

I cannot do anything with my own groups!


This has started happening to me, the timestamp is ~5 minutes along with the OP.


I believe this part is different regarding this bug, but there’s a post regarding it and the engineers are aware of it according to a Roblox Developer Relations employee!

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This is an error on the website and they are aware by updating the information on the Roblox Status website.


It looks like the issue has been resolved as I can see the information from Roblox groups as expected:

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I’m glad it’s fixed, and we are sorry for the inconvenient!

Thanks for the update! Closing this thread now!

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