Group page sales displays incorrect amounts of Robux

Reproduction Steps

Go to the group configuration page, click on revenue>sales and an incorrect amount pop up.

Expected Behavior

I expected the page to display the Robux I should receive, so the 70% of it.

Actual Behavior

The page displays the incorrect amount of robux - it looks like it displays only 10% of the price instead of the 70% we are supposed to get.

For example, the private servers are 10 robux, so it should display 7 instead of 3. The same for the 100 coins, those are 14 robux - so around 10 robux should be displayed.

I do not know if it is only a display bug, or that an incorrect amount is given.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Roblox#!/revenue/sales
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-12-12 00:12:00 (+01:00)

Hey @Boele009 can you confirm this is the same issue as Recent sales showing reduced Robux amounts on individual purchases ?

See this reply:

You are completely right, it is the same.
It would really help if an announcement about this was made, or at least it is mentioned on the page itself. Also, it would be helpful to toggle between into-group and as a whole.
Thank you!

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Could you respond to the other thread above and go into more detail there on your use cases? (e.g. why do you need to toggle between both values?)

Acknowledged on the announcement feedback and team has been made aware of this.

Many thanks in advance!