Group Payouts are missing 30% of In-Experience Avatar/UGC commissions

Since approximately November 1st, the commissions for my avatar/catalog game have fallen drastically and they no longer agree with Roblox Creator Analytics. As avatar/UGC items have a 30-day pending period, historically my 30-day sales + group pending amounts were always very close. Now my group pending is ~30% lower than it should be.


This is not happening only to my game but numerous Avatar/Catalog games I have spoken to.

Expected behavior

My group pending amount should roughly equate the past 30 days of avatar shop commissions


@Offpath there is a delay in the release of Robux. The team has resolved this issue and all previous sales will be released in 30 days.


Due to the improved analytics dashboards that launched today, I can show very precisely the delta.

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Update: we have manually released all Robux that was being erroneously held for 30 days (instead of the expected 5 days).

I think there’s multiple issues at hand here, and what I’m referring to is still an issue. It wasn’t a pending duration issue (avatar/ugc items are 30 days always) but it’s an attribution issue entirely where avatar/ugc sales weren’t received at all from Nov 1 - Nov 9th

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Take a look at these two charts.

The first one is from analytics, Monetization → Overview, which shows my daily avatar/UGC sales:

Then from the Monetization → Avatar Items page:

Notice that huge missing chunk the first week of November? The above chart I posted a few replies back is the delta between these two charts. My game (AI Outfit Creator, universeId 4523260733) is still missing ~250,000 R$. I’m fairly certain this bug applies to every single avatar/UGC game.


Same thing is happening to group games and its still happening to this date.
I received 0 robux from premium payouts and somehow its stuck in pending robux but at the same time some of it is lost somehow.

Group affected: