Are the roles going to be displayed on the main group page?
Nope, they can only be displayed on the Creator Hub.
So I actually really like these Creator Hub group roles, played around with them a little bit. I don’t have to create one rank with studio access and then raise it above everyone else’s roles so people don’t accidentally or maliciously promote to that role. People can have their normal community roles but also group game access without enabling it for an entire rank. Really nice.
Still curious on the question I asked though, if this is intended to superseded legacy roles or not.
When we are able to grant with this roles only for specific experiences on creator hub it’s especially handful for game jams
@peraldon I have a question will some sub roles be visible on the group page like next to Thier name or something I will use it to split people in a specific role now Devs and head Devs are share one role but group members don’t see them as head Dev
And what about permissions for a specific experience like role 1 can edit experience a and C but not b
And how it works with making avatar items or API keys where to manage or need it in legacy roles
With the recent announcement of the Ban API, will we get a granular permission to allow access to the Moderation section of the Dashboard? It would be the perfect solution to deal with bans in my group’s experience.
I have noticed new permissions have appeared in the dashboard (I bet not officially for now) which is nice, however, is there any date (circa) around which the game-specific permissions would be rolled out?
Not entirely sure if this has already been answered/addressed in this thread yet, but I’m unable to customize my collaboration settings for the new creator hub roles.

These features have been great. I’d love to see more features with the store functionality & finances tab. Many UGC based groups have different designers and instead of doing the manual payouts, they have percentages set up for different developers. A system where you can give a certain percentage to the creator of a certain accessory would be nice. Sure, it could be a lot to manage on the owner’s end but I think the net benefits overall are positive.
I’m a bit confused. Will people on the non-dev side ever be able to see the new roles? I’m having a lot of confusion with this, especially since the studio Team Create manager only seems to work with legacy roles.
I can see that the edit assets / edit experiences has been merged into one. Is there any plans to separate this?
I want to be able to give permissions to edit/upload animations but not edit experiences etc.
Saw that this feature has been rolled out, are there any plans to make it so we can assign certain roles to edit specific group experiences instead of all of them?
Oh wow because of this update after transferring ownership of my Roblox group back to myself(my alt) following the recent update, i lost access to the group. sadly no one holds the highest role (rank 255), even though my alt account is listed as the owner. additionally, this “bug” has caused members to be unable to leave the group after joining.
Interesting, I tried to create a new group with my alt and for some reason it doesn’t show my alt as the owner and I cant join it:
I’ve been running into an issue where giving an “edit all” permission in the creator hub won’t
let a non group owner upload assets under the group unless this permission is given through legacy roles:
I’ve ran into issues where my current game project requires loading up Roblox asset mesh data as EditableMeshes, but currently Roblox is imposing super harsh restrictions where I can only do so when I’m running a studio session of a universe that also owns the mesh assets - It would help greatly if I could load EditableMeshes from assets on any studio session as long as I am the owner of the asset or have edit permissions within a group that owns the asset.
Update so far:
I’ve been in contact with Roblox support reporting this bug for two days now and they still have not gotten around to even acknowledging the problem.
We are actively investigating this issue! Will circle back with an update when I have it, thanks for your patience.
@loleris - Thanks for the report. We’re currently working on adding asset-specific permissions to the new world as a granular resolution to the issue you’re facing
We’re experiencing a similar issue with roblox support and they dont know how to fix it. We’re receiving numerous messages from people saying they can’t leave the group once they join, which is concerning. Even as the group owner, I can’t make any edits to fix this. I’m also worried about potentially losing the group funds
how is possible ?, did u asked to roblox support?
It would be great if you could rank certain players via a script in the game without a need of 3rd party scripts.