Group's Verified Status Not Returned from GroupService::GetGroupInfoAsync

Developers are currently unable to determine whether or not a Group has a Verified badge when using GroupService::GetGroupInfoAsync.

The method’s return dictionary follows this format:

	["Description"] = string,
	["EmblemUrl"] = string,
	["Id"] = number (positive integer),
	["Name"] = string,
	["Owner"] = {
		["Id"] = number (positive integer),
		["Name"] = string
	["Roles"] = table (array) of tables (dictionaries)

There is no indication of the Group’s Verified status here.

Retrieving the Verified status of Groups can be useful, for example, in experiences where Groups compete with each other and their performance is measured on a global leaderboard GUI. Presumably, a Group’s Verified badge would be shown on such a leaderboard.

A solution to this which fits Roblox’s current approach is to follow the format from the UserService::GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync method’s UserInfoResponse dictionary:

where there is a boolean HasVerifiedBadge. This could be an entry in the GroupService::GetGroupInfoAsync dictionary.


To add onto this, I’d personally like to see the member count returned too, other than verified badge status, it’s the only bit of info (other than creation date and shouts) to my knowledge not returned by the lua api but returned by the web api.


For anyone who wants to simplify the workaround, it is possible to get both the owner’s verified status and the members count using

Sure, but the feature request is about a function, you can’t send requests to for security reasons, so you need a proxy, right?

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