Gui picker tool

I want to select a gui by clicking it. It is crazy to me that you can’t do this.

Want to edit a gui? Current workflow: Go explore your hierarchy for 5 minutes. Hope you remember where you put it.

That sucks


Right click the element and click “Select UI layer”. If there is multiple items at that level, you can select which one


Well, it’s better than nothing


This is already a built in feature with the native UI editor:

As far as I know, you have to first click on the button to toggle UI visibility to activate it, but then you’ll be able to select any UI element just by clicking on it.

I have that toggled on but I can’t click to select ui

Not sure as to whether or not it’s intentional, but you have to toggle it off and back on to be able to select UI by clicking on it

That used to work but it stopped working several months ago. I thought it was one of those unintended-workflow-breaking bug fixes but maybe it not working is the actual bug.

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Sorry for the necropost, but you can actually select a random UI object in explorer then click on the UI object you want to select and it’ll select it, this is helpful if you don’t want to look in your explorer for ages to find the specific object. Also, you can shift + scroll to scroll through your explorer faster, which helps for games with a lot of objects in the explorer.

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They just broke this feature. Just a few hours ago it would only select UI that was in the front and with backgroundtransparency < 1. Now it would select the farthest frame on the ancestor tree regardless of it has backgroundtransparency of 1 (invisible) or not.
Any help in fixing this is appreciated

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