GUI textures please!

I had a little look to see if this was mentioned yet, didn’t see anything so I guess I’ll post this! :slight_smile:

It would be cool if we had GUI textures, like for example a Scale type “Tile” which would repeat the UI’s texture, not stretch it across the UI; currently right now to create something like this I have had to create 512x512 GUI image labels and manually tile them accross this screen:

Would be neat if this were easier to do! I would be more motivated to make nice looking UI rather than dreading having to do the process above. :slight_smile:


Manually? Why not go through a 2 dimensional loop and create a tile as long as the top left of the tile is not outside screensize.x and y?

Anyway, iirc there were plans to add properties to ImageLabels that would allow them to tile like Texture objects. Although I’m not too sure what happened to them.

You can’t preview it in Studio then. If you’d suggest copying/pasting back into Edit, then it won’t resize when the viewport changes sizes.

I actually was going to post about this the other day because I was trying to figure out the exact same thing! I did exactly what @Garnold said with regards to coding it, but it takes time to load so now I need a loading screen. This would actually drastically cut down on lag if the image for example was 16x16 or a similar size and the screen someone was using was 4k. Sure, you could edit a 2x2 block of images to cut down on the ImageLabel count x4, but why not just have Roblox keep it as one object for you?

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