GUI Zindex bugging in Studio⚠️

Recently i came across this GUI zindex bug in Studio, many other developers are facing this problem. Would be nice if it gets fixed asap, thank you👍


Tbh I cant see there a problem? The one frame snaps behind the other one because it has a lower index right?

That’s intentional. A higher Zindex means it will render on top of previous layers.

I understand your issue. That’s not how roblox works. Selection works inversly to the ZIndex. Lower ZIndex has a higher selection priority while a higher one has a lower one. It’s confusing, I know, but that’s just how Roblox is.

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My developer partner & myself are experiencing the same issue.
The rendering is perfectly fine. However the issue is when selecting a GUI object, the selection is applying on lower (& I think on invisible frames too) ZIndex’ed frames.

Currently it’s pain to click on frame’s as it seems near to random which frame is actually selected.
Hopefully this gets resolved soon!


Definitely something as changed. It’s a hustle to edit GUI objects, for example I want to edit a frame, and it selects an invisible frame within the same ScreenGui

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This has been an issue as long as I have been developing on Roblox. The only way to fix this is to use the explorer or turning the visible property off.

I personally just use the explorer for selection so I have never had this bug.

I was not having this issue a couple days ago, this is a recent change for sure


I have seen many people report this so called bug on the forum. I think it has been for quite some time. Maybe it was removed but it came back? Because I have’t used the default selector for ages now.

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i got no idea sorry, it’s really my first time experiencing this bug

Yeah, it’s okay. You aren’t the only one experiencing this. Maybe roblox will fix this next thursday. Till then you have to just select gui’s from the explorer.

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ye, the only problem is when selecting a GUI object, select the lowest ZIndex gui object instead of that gui object clicked.

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they inverted, I already did the test, when you put the ZIndex bigger, you can select the smaller ones.

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