Guilded community integration

What does Guilded bring to the table that Discord doesn’t? I’m aware it’s been around for years now, but this is the first time I’ve seen Roblox push it more. It’s very hard to try and get individuals to move, nevermind the entire Roblox community, especially given most of us seem to perceive it as identical to Discord (or worse).


This seems like a good time to remind everyone that GuildedRadio exists if you want to give your Guilded community a boost. For example: Join the game with a linked Guilded account and you’ll get +100 XP! I’m working on an extensive update to make the module reach 1.0 in a few days.


Can we get a more noticeable button for Discord too? Nobody’s using Guilded.


To everyone talking about “who uses guilded”, lemme assure you all the developers who have made a significant contribution to Roblox are active there - or atleast have a known presence in a number of servers.

Let that sink in.


The first and main reason why I do not and will not use Guilded is that there is no translation in my language, it is difficult for me to navigate in English, and you want our community to try to figure it all out.
Second main reason: Discord, yes Guilded has interesting and different features and even the limits are luxurious, but still everyone is used to Discord and it will be very, very difficult to translate the community there.

(If there is a translation to other languages, please correct me)


Why is it always that corporate companies choose the less popular option for social media services?
I’m well aware Roblox has bought and supported Guilded but is it really the right choice to do that vs partnering with the competitor that has WAY more popularity like Discord? At least support integration for that aswell because it always feels like mentioning it in Roblox is like the Blacksheep of social media when literally every community prefers to use that. I’m okay with this as having support with linking other social medias is fine. But… Yea…


just integrate discord already…

this is an unneeded addition, discord already did the job of having a space for community management and you now are attempting to replace it with something lackluster


Proof of that? Sounds like some made up information to promote some sort of pro-Guilded agenda LMAO.


I’ve never heard of ANYONE discussing Guilded unless it was by Roblox themselves and JUST even this post aswell is the most I heard about Guilded again.


It would be brilliant if you made this the format for every social link. The current boxes look a tad outdated.


It’s true. Roblox owns Guilded and they have invite-only content there for developers. Please don’t post things like this, as it serves no purpose and is quite honestly annoying to read.


These are very important questions that should require an official response from the team on. Why is there no view for a roadmap anywhere? Even Discord has a roadmap to view and to keep track of.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe what you are wanting to do can be accomplished with this:


You don’t have to buy into a subscription service just to use:

  • animated emojis
  • using server-specific emojis on other servers
  • send more than 25GB of data
  • have an animated avatar picture
  • have a profile banner
  • or have high quality audio, streaming, and video quality

That’s already provided for free.

As @BlockyHead2006 pointed out Discord templates can be ported
Guilded Webhooks function very similarly to Discord Webhooks, which allows you to easily swap between the two.

Making and adding bots for your server are actually easy for users, and I imagine it can also be very advanced for those who want it to be.

Oh, and no free Nitro scams.


all the popular games on the front page all have discord servers linked under their games or their groups


@AceDevArnav is implying that the developers are on Guilded, this does not necessarily include the communities.

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Discord is still better.


Pretty cool change! Though, I feel like Guilded isn’t used a lot?
I mean, I and a LOT of friends all use Discord and would like to see more Discord integration and rich presence.

This is still a really cool update for those who do use Guilded but I’d love to see something similar happen for Discord as well.
I’ve always wanted the ability to show info about the game in Discord status like round, score, gamemode, etc and perhaps even a join button so users can join someone into a Roblox game from Discord like some games already allow.


It serves no purpose to ask to validate the information you just provided? Interesting way to put it. I’m honestly more annoyed at people who say things and provide no proof of their validity.


I dont know… Unlike Guilded, Discord is really REALLY BAD with safety with minors, like common, 90% of people from Roblox that got exposed for being a p#do, they use Discord to be in contact with minors. And since Roblox is a platform mainly for kids and teens… yeah that type of immigration wouldnt work that well.