Guilded community integration

Hello, creators!

An active and engaged community is crucial for creators, as it offers a supportive network for sharing knowledge, collaborating on projects, receiving valuable feedback, and fostering creativity. The more engaged and delighted your users are, the more they’ll spend time within your experience, and invite others to join. We know that many of you care deeply about your communities, and we want to make it as easy as possible to manage your communities entirely on Roblox.

Starting today, we are introducing the ability for users to join a Guilded community from your experience details page. This feature is opt-in for creators with additional details below on how to enable it. This integration of Roblox and communities is powered by Guilded, our premium community management tool designed to help you foster a highly engaged, like-minded community devoted to your experience.

Example of experience details page

What is changing:

  • For creators, the Creator Dashboard has a new community section that allows you to start your own Guilded community or link to your existing community on Guilded. This feature is entirely opt-in. Upon enabling your Guilded community from the Creator Dashboard, an invitation to join the community will appear on your experience details page.

Learn more about creating a community on Guilded:

We encourage you to add your Guilded community to your experience details page. We’re excited to kick off this test and eagerly await your feedback as we embark on the first of many steps to enhance your community experience on Roblox. Thank you for your continued support!


Guilded best practices


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As a Roblox Developer trying to grow up my community, this is going to kick off my community by a lot. Thank you Roblox for doing such job :grin:


(include mandatory “what about discord” post)

This is an interesting choice, mainly because another service is more popular than Guilded.

If you want Guilded to actually be a viable competitor, add in-experience integration with it, have a rich presence API that can be controlled with a script if the user authorises it.

Example: (i’ll make a mockup when i get home in a few hours) let a player join another player is preparing to start a round in a dungeon game for example, maybe with deeplinking?

API would be easy as well

GuildedIntegrationService:SetStatus(metatablecatmaid, {
  DeeplinkBody = "joingame=(GUID)",
  Body = "metatablecatmaid is starting a dungeon!",
  TimeData = {
    Mode = Enum.IntegrationTimeData.Remaining,
    Unix = os.time() + 300

this could also support discord’s rich presence client as well but lets just stay on topic with guilded


this will be amazing for the 4 people who use guilded


this is cool and all… but let’s be real for a moment… who uses guilded? 1% of the roblox population?

why was this even added… there’s no point in it…
can we get integration for something we would actually use?


who even uses guilded? this is a useless change


Sadly, as my community revolves around Discord, I will be keeping with Discord, so myself will not be included in this feature. I hope, that this could come to other platforms soon.

Very good concept, great work, roblox staff members!


I completely forgot that Guilded existed; Its actually so bad and nowhere near as user friendly as discord.


A Discord integration would be alot more attractive, not that the Guilded Integration is attractive at all…


Can we have better Discord integration? I think we can all agree that we don’t use Guilded and it’d be a lot better to support a platform that is used by the majority


Agreed. Discord is better as guilded does not have user friendly UI.


What if you made a Guilded to tell people to go to ur discord?


There already is a Discord integration actually, you can already link your Discord server in the same way. This update just adds Guilded servers as another option now.

This isn’t a “Useless” change, this is useful for anyone who does use Guilded.

There is no down side to adding this. This isn’t removing anything. If you prefer Discord, carry on, this doesn’t affect you. If you want to use Guilded, now you can!

And it’s probably the first step to enabling better integration with Guilded like some people have suggested. Since Guilded is a first-party platform now and Discord is not, Roblox can actually make Guilded be better suited for Roblox communities eventually! Each update like this is a step in the right direction toward enabling that future.


Cool! However, I can’t say I have any reasons to be compelled to use Guilded. I find it uncomfortable to use.

It’s hard to convince everyone I interact with to ditch their platform to move here. I’d appreciate seeing more unique API for customizing rich presence or more synchronous engagement with Guilded, just things that make it a bit more unique.


Will “Guilded” ever be returned via the PolicyService APIs as an allowed link? The experience page can have all the links to my Guilded server I could ever want (I can now have 2 links because social links still work), but without in-experience integration there’s no way to truly entice players to join.

Also, as for everyone who is asking why a Discord integration version doesn’t exist. While there is most definitely some bias involved on Roblox’s end, it’s also worth noting that if you try out the feature, you’ll quickly find out that it relies on Guilded’s Roblox account linking feature to ensure you own (and also possibly, continue to own) the server you are linking, it’s not as simple as a switch to add Discord connectivity aswell.

Guilded was also always a supported option on social links too (ever since Roblox acquired them), this is an entirely different feature which makes a banner for the Guilded server on the page rather than just a social-link and requires you to prove ownership.


except that will never happen. no matter how hard they try to make guilded great, discord will always take over.
Nobody is going to make a guilded account just for roblox games


  • popular
  • servers for every game on roblox, plus other games on the internet [2 in 1]
  • used by 99% of gamers, youtubers, etc on the internet


  • unpopular
  • catered to roblox

It’s easier to use discord where communities are already setup + where most gaming communities on the internet are vs 1 tiny platform where nobody is


Oh yeah, thanks for that! :smile: I missed that this is adding something a little more visible that you can’t do with Discord. Would be great to see this option for any of the social links!

Yes, Discord is definitely lower friction to setting up a community right now. But if Guilded continues to get better integration with Roblox that simply isn’t possible to do with Discord because Guilded is first-party, I can see a future where Guilded becomes an obvious choice for setting up Roblox communities! Right now it needs work, but that doesn’t mean that work shouldn’t be done.

The point is that they can do things with Guilded that they just can’t with Discord because they don’t own Discord, and I’d love to see them continue working on Guilded to make it better suited than Discord could ever be. It’s not there yet, but let’s let them cook :pray:


I could, but I don’t see a point of doing that.

Edit: Also, discord is for 13+ and social links hide for people that are 13>


Can we have the same fancy info embedding for discord server invites?

I would be more inclined to move to guilded, even if just partially, if there were more tools available to help me port over my existing discord presence. All of my roles and channels and configuration is a nightmare to even think about duplicating on another platform.

I wish guilded could seamlessly switch between discord and itself too, I want all of my notifications visible in one place. Even if i just mirror guilded messages into discord with links to switch to guilded from discord, this would still be a better experience than current, but afaik this is not possible.

Can we get better visibility on guilded development as well? The application hasn’t changed much for the entire time Roblox has owned it. Is it viable? Will it fail eventually in the long term due to growth pains? What is even the roadmap? I have no safety assurance and I dont want to move my community somewhere I can’t trust will be around for 10 years.