GuiService:GetScreenPixelColor(number X, number Y)

When will they finally add this man, you could do so much cool things with this and even if “people will be bypassing it” nothing will change people are already bypassing stuff by just using parts as pixels or 1x1 frames. this needs to become a feature it adds so much cool things to do!

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Not quite in the form suggested here, but the pieces to make this possible will becoming together soon.

CapureService is in development (the final public API will look a lot different than what you see there) as a way to deal with taking screenshots, and combining that with EditableImage you’ll be able to take and read / modify the pixels in a screenshot.


I hope It doesn’t cause much memory to use while RenderStepped, since I’m trying to do if you look at a pixel the more black it is the more visible it becomes like a custom blend mode basically

As discussed above: There’s unfortunately no way you’re applying any full-screen effect at 60fps be reading individual pixels. Also, the screenshot path will require user interaction (you can’t just take a screenshot silently in the background). Either way, screen space effects aren’t happening using this.


Will these screenshots be available in-game? Possibly as some sort of temporary rbxscreenshot content type would make sense.

Will there ever be an api, which will be able to return the pixel color of the render, without any gui elements? This would be really useful to create custom shaders, such as color based lens flares and screen space reflection.

create custom shaders

no that’ll never happen and it’s not even practical to do in the first place

it’s both expensive to pull the viewport’s framebuffer and to perform shader operations entirely in software

gpus specialize doing things in complete parallel and are generally better in arithmetic than cpus

I might /+ctrl+v+enter without looking at the chat bar thinking that i copied something when i forgot that my previous copy was my ip
And oh no turns out something went wrong with copying now i accidentally announced my ip im cooked
Pls roblox remove the chat features its unsafe :frowning:

Search image loader people can put high quality photos using it lol
If you are scared of player fps dropping then no proprem :fire: go to each 9 pixels split them
And get the colour at the middle or make some algorithm that gets the most repeated colour
There you go you made it 9 times smaller now🔥

what about different screen sizes?

That’s something the programmer should care about, not Roblox.