GuiService:GetScreenPixelColor(number X, number Y)

It would be nice if GuiService:GetScreenPixelColor(number X, number Y) was added.

GuiService:GetScreenPixelColor(number X, number Y) returns a Color3 value based on the pixel coordinate it is called on.

Currently there is no real way to get the color of a current pixel of the client screen at the time, whether it be ScreenGui or world replication.
It would be cool if it was added as it could allow for split screen cameras to be made along with other cool things like projecting your screen to a part through SurfaceGui (you’ll need to replicate all the pixels of each person’s screen for both scenarios though, may kind of be laggy but ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and stuff like that.

(edit: if used like this in split screen camera and stuff it will crash the players :joy: Honestly though. It would be good though if GetScreenPixelColor exists because we can possibly create GUI things that color based on the environment, where the player is pointing his/her screen at.)


It would be super cool to create something like the Stanley Parable menu screen.


Using this could cause some unwanted behavior, combining this with ViewportSize would literally allow you to take screenshots of people’s ROBLOX windows, which I would personally like, however it would probably violate COPPA because “users could accidentally paste sensitive info into the chat window” or something.



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I support, however I think this should be a function of the camera object.


This doesn’t match your feature request, did you mean to ask for a “SetScreenPixel”?

Split screen makes the most sense when both players are local, not really for online multiplayer. Moreover, sending images back and forth to simulate split screen would probably not be the ideal way of implementing this.


“may kind of be laggy” is an understatement, I don’t think it could be used for this at all, really. Would like a proper separate camera gui feature thing though, it has been mentioned.


It actually does match his request. He wants to get all of the pixels of someone’s screen, and then project it on a SurfaceGui of a part. SetScreenPixel would be just making a {0,1}{0,1} Frame object…

For a custom chat, sure, I suppose.

Have and 1 x 1 frame for each pixel is going to be a whole world of lag. Most people have 2,073,600 pixels, and setting and getting them one by one is like, actually terrible.

If you want to test if it’ll lag or not here is some code to find out!!

local ScreenGui ="ScreenGui", game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)

local Frames = {}

for i = 1, 2073600 do
   local Frame ="Frame")
   Frame.Parent = ScreenGui
   Frame.Size =, 1, 0, 1)
   Frame.Position =, math.random(1, 2073600), 0, math.random(1, 2073600))
   table.insert(Frames, Frame)

while wait(1/30) do
    for i,v in pairs(Frames) do
        v.BackgroundColor3 =, math.random(), math.random())

Edit: I didn’t run this because I’m 99% sure it’ll crash studio

Edit 2: Does crash

why did you do wait(1/30) when wait() does the same thing

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Stylistic, I just like it. You could also make the argument that it’s easier to change lol

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I’m not seeing the use case here.

If the use case is screenshots, this is not the right way to implement this
If the use case is shaders…this is not how you do shaders.
If the use case is picture-in-picture for security cameras, this is again not how to implement this.

Dealing with images on the cpu is rather slow so all of the above solutions would be done with a much faster implementation supporting the gpu (shader languages, rendering to a texture for PIP display, etc).


You could actually get the color of a pixel btw. A simple recursive on the GUIs (gets a lot more complicated if you care about Z-Index), and then there is camera api where you could also work this out if you need it for a small thing

For the future: The best way to get heard by engineering is to show them a problem, not a solution. Any situation where you would need to work directly with pixels probably counts as a problem.


Can confirm, we are suckers for a problem to solve.


From what I’ve read this sort of method would be a way off-course solution for what you requested it for.

Why not just add some GUI element that serves as a viewport, where you can specify a Camera and a viewport size/position?

Oh you have no idea.

Imagine a 1920x1080 monitor at 60 FPS. You’re looking into manipulating over 124,416,000 (1920x1080x60) Color3 values PER SECOND in Lua. Each Color3 value is represented with doubles (8 bytes, 64 bits) there are 3 doubles used to represent RGB values in Color3, (24 bytes, 192 bits) so you would be consuming over 23,887,872,000 bits, or 23.8 GBs to be short, just to represent all that data on the CPU. And that’s not even counting the memory you’d be consuming to visualize all of those pixels as frames. Roblox only allows you to have 16,384 GuiObjects on the screen at a time (iirc), so you wouldn’t have much luck there.

TL;DR - It won’t work for what you’re thinking. Let the GPU do its job and save the CPU from having a heart attack.


LPT: If you ever need to measure anything in units of millions of pipeline stalls/frame, just run


Or do it on the GPU which is built for that sort of task.