January 23, 2018, 3:02am
Sorta interesting “collaboration” here,
I get bored frequently, so in my free time I make firearm models.
If you got a firearm you want built, let me know and I will do it whenever I have time at no cost.
The only condition is that it be open sourced.
Here’s some example models:
January 23, 2018, 4:10am
Would it be possible to pay you to be able to use the guns for the specific project?
January 23, 2018, 7:06am
I don’t have any membership to receive payment and robux doesn’t motivate me anymore, sorry
Bet you cant make a ray gun (sorry it aint a real gun just wanna see if you can literally make this a thing)
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January 28, 2018, 8:51pm
uh ill put that on my list
i recently have been focusing on ww1 to modern firearms, but going back to scifi for a bit will be interesting
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Since you were the first one to reply, any request on any specific rail gun?
Nope! go crazy with it. can’t wait to see the result!