Hacker stole millions robux, Roblox refused rollback because of 2 step verification recommendation

I was hacked and Roblox refuses to restore/rollback. Their response:

“We have reviewed your request and we cannot restore the item/currency/group to you. Our internal tracking tools indicate that 2SV via an authenticator was not enabled on your account at the time when the account was compromised, but that your account was notified of this requirement. Please see this help article for more information on Account Restores Eligibility.”

  1. I had 2SV via email which is labeled as (Secure) and was not notified that an app was a requirement to be eligible. Checked my email and DMs.
  2. The Restores Eligibility does not say having an authenticator app is a requirement, only a recommendation .

Roblox, please word it correctly, and honor restores until you do.

Almost lost my account, explore dreamcore game, and did lose millions of to be devex and future development funds and they won’t honor their recovery policy. Devastated.

Has this happened to you? This is my first request, and I contacted them after a day. Seems that I comply with policy. Any help or advice?


I’m sorry for you, Roblox moderation really doesn’t work, I can think of only one thing that will probably not work, try telling Roblox to check the hacker’s account and show them that they got millions of Robux from nowhere, that’s the only thing I can think of, I’m really sorry :cry:


I sent them all the evidence, and they believe I was hacked, I have account back, the hackers account was terminated. But they refuse the rollback.


SERIOUSLY!!! ROBLOX YOU NEED BETTER MODERATION, IF I CIULD I WOULD #$%£$#¥&€?!@@€ if that didn’t work I don’t know how to help you, I’m really sorry :sob:


Roblox has not stated that 2SV is required for account restoration, at least that’s what I know.
they even say in the article provided:

“recommend” not “require”

what happened to you is absolutely terrible.


Is this your first rollback that you’re requesting, or have you already had one in the past? Roblox, in most cases, only allows 1 rollback per account.

Either way, the fact that they don’t even bother informing you about the authenticator beforehand (as @ankoAyase pointed out as well) is completely outrageous. It’s about time that Roblox moderation steps up their game.


This is absolutely outrageous. Roblox never required you to use 2SV if you would’ve gotten hacked, and even then, it’s absolutely outrageous. Roblox should not be blocking access to your own account with proof that you own it because you didn’t activate something. If you have an email connected and/or phone, then it should’ve worked.

This is Roblox in a nutshell, they don’t care.


Because Roblox requires you in most cases to have 2SV via authenticator app enabled to be eligible for your one-time rollback.



This was sent to everyone quite a while back

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Do you know if the hack was internal to Roblox or did hackers really get access to both your account and password and also access to your e-mail?

Roblox moderation is in dire need of improvement. For example, my old account with lifetime Premium and hundreds of thousands of Robux was terminated without just cause and they never restored it despite dozens of appeals. I suspect that moderators are following a strict set of instructions in these instances and are not allowed to deviate from those instructions. In this situation I imagine that they were told to only allow rollbacks for accounts with an app authenticator enabled. I believe that Roblox should allow moderators to make judgement calls when the situation calls for it. I am usually someone who advocates for a strict following of rules and procedure but in a situation involving millions of Robux where the thief has been found guilty and banned, the requirement for an app based authenticator should be waived. This situation is an example of when I think moderators should be able to use their best judgement to solve a situation. I hope this will be resolved favorably for you.


Not only that, if the thief is found and account banned, what if the thief did not have a chance to spend any of the robux? Basically Roblox would be getting free money this way. :melting_face:


ROBLOX Moderation will always find an excuse to not do their job or honor their word.

I’m incredibly sorry that this happened to you, millions isn’t something to scoff at. This is why I’ve taken such a public stance against ROBLOXs current state in moderation, and people wonder why I feel the way I feel. This is 100% unacceptable.

So what happens when they made an account AFTER Dec 9th? This is a poor cope out, shill.

Another question I would have is, why is the “Authenticator App” considered to be the only 2FA way to secure your account? Anyone who has used these will already know there is no backup function or password locking for these apps, so if a hacker has enough access to have both your account and device, the authenticator app is just as useless as anything else that is hacked. :sweat_smile:


This is irrelevant in this situation. We are discussing about the original poster’s account which wasn’t created after December 9th, 2021. Not any account created after the PM was sent.

Besides, I’m not the person to complain to for this.

A staff member stated that the message is still displayed whether or not you have it enabled

It’s not irrelevant, your argument is that if this happens it shouldn’t be an issue because ‘roblox sent a notice about it’. The communities problem is that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened, you aren’t making sense and need to excuse yourself from this conversation.

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Don’t put words in my mouth. I never said that it wouldn’t be an issue since Roblox sent a notice about it.

I provided some information that I hope would contribute to the topic. Understand my reply clearly because jumping to conclusions.

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If you don’t think that’s the message your post conveyed, then maybe you not making any sense is the least of your worries…

If you don’t mind me asking, how were you hacked?