Hacker uses remote event

i dont want to imagine that the first portion of my events would all look the same :face_with_head_bandage:

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any suggestion on whats the limit i should select ?

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Hmm I could totally try creating a module to track remote events, and see if people are mass firing them. Maybe Ill try that out today and see how it goes


if the event is supposed to be fired low times on the client and the exploiter is sending it alot then

it really depends on what you are using your event for if you expect your event to be fired 10 times per second then add that as a limit and if you expect it to be fired 5 times per second then add that as a limit etc…

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The hackers.


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Made that module


thank you :heart: apperciate it so much

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btw im on phone rn so i cant the script
does the scirpt uses oop or atleast self?

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yes, it doesnt have any oop (I think), it does use self though

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pro tip: make a remote event that does nothing but ban/kick the player. these so-called bait events get lots of exploiters banned

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trust i know my self i would have forgotten about it in the future and use it as a normal one

Connected: (connected: boolean, signal: Signal) → () what is this :slight_smile: ?

That’d probably be you connecting to a signal, connected is probably if its connected or not, signal, prob the signal idk man.

I also forgot to mention this in the post but Trackers wont automatically kick people if they exceed the limit, you can tell when they exceed the limit and take action by connecting to the signal of the tracker:

   -- do whatever you want to the player

no the → symbol what is it and what is t called?

uh probably like right arrow or something

You can make it by doing this:

u ve used in the code what does it actually do?

Ok so that would be a neat little module I use called signals or something (I cant find the creator of it :[ )
Anyhow I have no idea, as I didnt write the signal module, you could always sift through the code and see why its there though

it is ur module the module signal which is the child of the module event tracker has this piece of code

I think im a tad bit confused, where do you see the arrow in the code? If it is in the signal module then I really cant tell you, cause I dont recall using the → anywhere in the EventTracker module