Hammer of Productivity backwards thumbnail

The following item, Hammer of Productivity, has a backwards thumbnail. This leads to the items thumbnail being misrepresented in the avatar editor and on the catalog as facing the opposite way.

Expected behavior

If this issue was fixed, I would expect the thumbnail to be forward facing on the side with the Roblox studio logo.

On the official DevRel Virtual Prize Series page, the items thumbnail is fixed this same way aswell.


This item also has scaling issues which need to be addressed:

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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It looks like this problem was fixed!

@bustedwithswag An advice that I would like to give you is that whenever you receive a reply from Howimetted, Focia19, or thirdtakeonit, you should not mark them as a solution because they are just responses acknowledging the bug and making a ticket internally, meaning it doesn’t update any forum user. That said, maybe creating your comment saying that it was updated and set as solved should be good enough! :wink:


I should of I was just being lazy lol sorry, saw it was fixed and just put solution as his post

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