Hardest Roblox Difficulty Chart And Obby!

I am trying to make the hardest difficulty chart and roblox Obby

try it and test it please

also don’t thumbs down if you rage quit

And Yes Its Meant To Be Hard


I will just talk about first impressions because; I did not look further into the game, I just joined and looked around.

  • Thumbnail has awful contrast. The Yellow text does not match with the background at all.
  • Upon joining, everything seems messy, you see a part, and on the right side; you see an immense amount of ‘random’ items.
  • Recommend checking out successful ‘Difficulty Charts’ and improving certain areas.

Best of luck.


the thumbnail isn’t supposed to really match anything, I just picked yellow randomly the thumbnail was intended to look like that but that’s just opinions The games still being made so don’t just expect that to only be their. I don’t like whenever I post in this cool creations topic people are always criticizing my stuff =/

Feedback is feedback. Helpful criticism brings improvement.

As for actual feedback on my part, I spotted too many moving parts. That could cause immense lag for mobile players, and even certain PC players.


Theirs litterly a sign saying the games not recommended for mobile players

also your basically saying people always making a comment relying on only things they don’t like is a good thing? at this point then sharing games on the dev forum for me always being criticized is a good thing nice comment, you say actual feedback like what I commented on the last dudes comment was bad, I am not looking for bad feedback I wanted to look for good feedback

Ok, so, the spinners are like, very very laggy. And, there are no checkpoints? Or are they invisible? Its also pretty short.

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The games still in WIP, If the spinners are laggy Ill try my best to reduce some of the builds so the game can be playable, the checkpoints will come in soon same with the towers im building. Turn your graphics up and you will see a long line of stuff lol The games still a work in progress tho so not much is in it. thanks for the feedback tho!

DUDE. THERE. ARE. NO. CHECKPOINTS! You HAVE to add those :grinning: People won’t like your game, they’ll think its to hard, so, they’ll probably leave or even dislike.

  1. Please turn off player collisions
  2. The game looks messy, that’s the only way I can really explain it
    Let me show you what I mean
    Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 10.44.18 AM
  3. I can see there are a lot of the same obstacles, try to have more variety

Other than that good job!

Edit: Spinning platforms are very laggy.

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This was the furthest I could get

The jump was stuck under the platform so I couldn’t get further than that, I would suggest having obstacles like that regen every few minutes (with warning).
Turns out it’s just because the jump is too close to the platform.

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Its because of something In the game that is spawning objects but It gets stuck! Il remove it nice idea!

look at this man ( @AwakenedElemental ) I litterly told you the reason why lol maybe you didnt see it tho dont blame you

Nice got that to

Im happy you told me this sooner

Cant really fix that, That’s kinda how its supposed to be tbh, Theirs a lot of levels in 1 line so yea its gonna look like that B)

Nice Ideas tho! Ill pick sum out and accept sum!

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Wow! Good job thats actually pretty good, Ill rank you almost above avergage for that one lol!

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I DID see that, but you have to add checkpoints! I almost got to the end, but died by the spinner thingies at the end, and that was because:
A) I didn’t they were killparts, the weren’t exposed (they looked the same as the background, I thought: oh, just a normal part)
B) I had to go to the start, because, no checkpoints :sad: :cry: :sad:

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Will come sooner enough!

the thing is the obbys so long and this is my 3rd day and Im still working on levels!

Big Moodswitch, I recommend going In VIP Servers ITS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ( being real and true I promise please dont call Ali-A to come to my house tonight at 3 AM ) but Its would maybe cause less distraction, Ive been thinking now that I can hold up to 700 Players In my game cause I opted into somethin so it would be funny for 700 people to race in the hardest roblox obby

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It’s a good idea to remove your build kit from the side of the spawn; it contributes nothing gameplay wise and serves no purpose but to degrade performance.

The skybox is very low quality.

It seems as though you were going for a very generic difficulty chart obby. I would advise against this since it’d be much more worth your time if you made one of these with some unique features or designs so its both interesting and standing out from the rest of these games.

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You Just gotta go further into the game, a lot of new stuff

ok ok, I get its now thats fair.

The way the studs are and the skybox are just their for a nostalgic feeling B)

we dont talk about this ^^||

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I rate 8/10 the design is good but the first part is buggy because it freeze sometimes.

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Dang, I wish I could’ve gotten that far. Unfortunately I was only able to beat the first part.