Haven Café - Main Guide

:coffee: Welcome to Haven Café!

:link: Haven Café - ROBLOX - Join us today!

:blue_book: About Us:
Welcome to Haven Café, an upcoming café on ROBLOX, we aim one day to be one of the biggest virtual companies on ROBLOX. Lots of effort is put into this, whether it is putting some water into your teas, or correcting a major bug. Every day we hope that we strived to satisfy your appetite. Haven Café wants to be a extraordinary experience for finding friends, roleplaying or just having fun in general!

:sunny: This guide will tell you everything to know, from working here, or to playing here!

Listed below is a range of documents, both for customers and staff, that is recommended that you all read, they have lots of rules customers and staff should follow.

:pushpin: General Links:

  • Code of Conduct: Click here to view!
  • Alliance Application: N/A
  • Frequently Asked Questions: N/A
  • Session Schedule: N/A
  • Appeals Guide: N/A

:grey_exclamation: Conclusion:

You have made it to the end of the guide! Please follow everything these pages say, if you do not follow, we here have the rights to ban/kick you or refuse service…

:tada: We hope to see you here again!

:page_facing_up: Approved and written by Haven Café HRs.
:date: Last Updated December 28th, 2023.

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