Hello. I’m working on a game that’s based on the classic Roblox aesthetic, specifically around 2012. But I have come across an issue on achieving this classic Roblox aesthetic in my game.
The issue I am having is about the parts. One thing I’ve noticed with classic Roblox is that all the parts have a smooth edge to them. You can see this in the picture below that I took from Super Nostalgia Zone.
The issue I am having about this part is that I can not find the part anywhere, I’ve tried using limbs from the Roblox character as it shares the same shape, but when I start to make the part bigger it begins to stretch out and its round corners begin to look more blocky. But the part that is shown in the image doesn’t seem to stretch at all and maintains its round corners which is what I want. Here’s an example of a 4x4 part that doesn’t stretch, compared to an 4x4 part that does stretch.
Part that doesn’t stretch:
Part that does stretch:
You can notice from the images that the part that does stretch does not maintain its round corners and instead begins to become more blocky because of the stretching, while the other part that doesn’t stretch maintains its round corners regardless of how big it is.
I’ve tried doing research to find an answer to do this but I haven’t came across anything related to this so making this forum is my last hope.
If anyone knows what I can do to solve this I would gladly appreciate it, Thank you!