Having Different type of UIGradient

Most of the UI in the Industry use many different Gradient Technique.
It would be very interesting to have access to them
Right now to Achieve those result we have to make Images, which take more time and use Extra Memory.

It would be a good start if we had the Radial one to start. Its one that we would use the most!


This would be amazing! Great suggestion!


This seems like a great idea, it would help UI Designers a lot!


Would definitely help UI designers a lot!


I would love to have more built-in gradient options. Currently we are very limited on how we can customize the one size fits all option we have currently. Great suggestion!


Awesome suggestion. I’d love to use that while creating UIs!


My question is how can you make those two-dimensional UI Gradients?
I know only about one which just mixes colours into one.


support, since gradients currently suffer from their own limitations like inability to set from which to what point the gradient goes, does it repeat or reflect when reaching the end of a point, or change the shape of gradient as mentioned above.

speaking of which… i literally made a proof of concept that we can have radial gradients with EditableImages and EditableMeshes beta.

(100ms to render it since its 256x256 and runs serial without optimizations)
I managed to get smooth 60 fps by utilizing parallel luau (still lag spikes, but hey, it works) with gradient following a sideways 8 shaped offset path while using 256x256 size. Running serial kills frames.

Gradient improvements can be made, but it doesn’t seem like engineer’s focus yet. It is definitely possible since I managed to recreate one of the gradient types, it’s just that… Roblox engine ain’t lua and the approach is completely different.

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