Help building a wooden suspension bridge

Hello everyone, I was messing around with different kinds of constraints to make a wooden suspension bridge. At first, I thought using rope was a straightforward and simple solution to making one.

I was wrong. The rope had some issues and started to shake a lot when the bridge’s length got longer. So, I looked around the dev forum and found this thread:

It talks about how ropes aren’t great when it becomes really short, so I messed around with the other constraints that they mentioned, but none of them had the effect I wanted. The hinges made the parts of the bridge seem like they’re anchored, and the ball/sockets seem to work best, but they all stick together with no gaps in between.

Two years after this thread, does anyone have a solution to create a bridge like this?

Here is a video of what I was working on:


What you probably will want to do is have the parts of the bridge with cylinders that look like ropes between them. You can add ball and sockets between the rope parts and the bridge parts and turn canCollide off for each of the rope parts. This separates the parts a bit while still giving the effect of the ball and sockets.

Another option is springs with 0 coils. You can make this look like a rope. This option also gives the bridge a bit of flex, but may behave similar to ropes.

I hope this helped you!