Help coding arms and torso to follow mouse cursor

I’m currently trying to figure out how to create this kind of affect for my gun system. I do have some idea but not sure if it’s my animation stopping the arms from following with the cursor. To make it look like the player is aiming his weapon.

What I want to happen with my guns:

What my guns currently do:

Any tips, helping or anything to help with my coding. Here’s my coding for the head following with the mouse cursor.

cc @ValueChanged
(The person who made these)

Basically making my own third person gun system, never took or recopied any of his coding.

The CC is meant to call a person to the thread (hence the mention) on the off chance that they provide insight, given they themselves made it. Since the person is on the forum, they can be asked directly.

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If you’re talking about the arms moving with the waist, it’s literally because of an aiming animation which plays when the player enters the aiming state. (holds MouseButton2 down)


Alright, so the animation will stay still but just the torso moves with the mouse cursor.

Yes, it’s just a static animation for aiming; All we do is lerp the Waist C1 and have the aim animation play.

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Alright sounds good, thanks for helping.

disable reintargetting in the workspace settings