[HELP!] - How do I make my a-chasis work?

I think it’s required for a-chassis to work.

Ok, I’ll check if it works with misc

I redid everything and this is the result:

Everything is combulsionating


Please mark your post as the Solution so that others don’t keep trying to solve it.

It isn’t fixed already, it’s combulsionating and it’s slow


Isn’t a word so I thought you were making it up and it was fixed.

There are precise instructions in the A-chassis script on how to set it up. I suggest you read them.
Also don’t add anything that the A-chassis instructions don’t require.

From your first picture I’m guessing you’ve added HingeConstraints and the Axis of the hinge Attachments are still vertical, not horizontal.

You should also have just continued your original post. Don’t keep adding posts about the same problem because all the original information that people need may be in your first posts.

Isn’t word?, I dont know, Yo soy español

This is a different topic, a different way to make my trolley drivable

I’ll go check the instruction

Can you use google translate on what you mean it so we understand?

I meant “convulsating”, sorry for that

Please reply if you know how to make the trolley stop convulsating/vibrating

Ah, convulsing! Ok.

I gave suggestions in post 11 to help you out.

Where are the instructions of the a-chasis?


Found the instructions:

No idea what I did wrong setting up the a-chasis…

Are there any errors on the output?

Only these errors which have no relation with the a-chasis

Also when the trolley is horizontal it looks like this


Is the problem caused because I resized the wheels?

Please someone answer I still need to fix this

I’m getting an error here


Anyways, I’ll give you guys the file of the trolley if you want to take a look in roblox studio

TROLLEY.fbx (438.6 KB)

Uh, that’s the 3D model, not the Studio file.

From the ‘horizontal’ picture it looks like your wheels are still angled, and the suspension travel is pushing the wheels ‘down’ away from the trolley.

There may have issues because your wheels are very small. If your wheels are MeshParts they may not be physically round. They may render (look) round, but sometimes Meshes have a tendency to get kind of lumpy physically (they aren’t smooth round wheels). This can be fixed by using Cylinder or Ball Parts that are Transparent and CanCollide true, and Weld the CanCollide false MeshPart wheels to the Part.