[HELP] Inconsistent Humanoid UV Texture System, .mesh file system, and the utter lack of corresponding documentation/code

Recently, I have been working on a completely custom system for character handling within Roblox. The goal initially was to have something extremely close to Roblox’s default character system with the advantages of custom replication and physics. While I have achieved the custom replication and physics goals, something major still sets this system apart from normal Roblox.

The absence of player shirts and pants textures.

Now, the reason pants and shirts don’t work is pretty simple in itself, the character models no longer use humanoids whatsoever so there is nothing “applying” said textures. (if that’s how it even works).

At first I didn’t see this as an issue, as I was just planning on using mesh based clothing options instead and pushed this issue aside as to not waste any of my time further. However after coming back to this issue after a while I am still not able to find any info on it.

When getting models and exporting them from studio, the UV maps of said models are structured to fit this specific format that I have literally not been able to find any documentation for. Here’s an example of my character’s texture for reference:

I can only assume that this image is formed by one of Roblox’s backend systems that normal users have no access to whatsoever. But as you can see, the main problem with this is that the shirt and pants TEMPLATES used to upload are literally nothing like this and so we can only infer what UV maps are supposed to be like.

The other problem is that this image is not available, anywhere. So even if I were to keep roblox’s normal UV mapping madness it wouldn’t matter because I wouldn’t have a texture to apply to anything.

I have tried searching for posts on the forum, and I have stumbled upon some that are close to what I am looking for yet have no solutions.

I managed to find two posts by @Maximum_ADHD that had some relation to what I was looking for, but I couldn’t find much more than that.

The first post I found was a post quite similar to mine, but for slightly different purposes. Here:

Unforutunately for me, this post never has a solution so… I mean at least I know someone has the same issue as me- but we’re still at square 1.

When taking a look in the client sided files stored underneath Roblox’s program files on my computer (in a desperate attempt to find anything of value to the solving of my issue), I managed to find some files titled: CopositTShirt.mesh, CompositShirt.mesh and more. I thought maybe these might have to do something with my issue (or at least relate to it, not cause), but I have no idea to tell and the only post I have found is this:

So yeah I’m kinda stranded. I’ve tried so many things too, from looking on github to try to find some remains of the code involved in archived repositories to digging through local Roblox files. I have found nothing but people having the same issues. No lua code, not even any C code, no nothing.

I definitely don’t want to give up finding this, and I will continue to search for the answer. But this is a prime example of something that makes me go “I want to give up”.

If anyone can help me, please.


Hey I’m not sure if this fits what you’re looking for, but i found a post that shows roblox’s composite uv for applying shirt and pants for characters

I hope this helps

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